12 April 2019

Worldwide outrage over arrest of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange

By Niles Niemuth, 12 April 2019

After nearly seven years of confinement to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange now faces the possibility of a year in a UK prison and extradition to the United States.

Westminster Magistrates Court
Former UK ambassador Craig Murray denounces arrest and conviction of Julian Assange

By our reporter, 12 April 2019

“There was no jury and no chance to mount a proper defence or have a proper hearing. It is clear the judge was extremely prejudiced,” Murray said.

British police arrest Julian Assange in Ecuadorian embassy

SEP (Australia) condemns the arrest of Julian Assange

In leaked court testimony, Assange denounces his illegal detention

Video: SEP (Australia) Assistant National Secretary Cheryl Crisp calls for defence of Assange

Amid corruption scandals and deals with IMF and Washington, Ecuador’s government betrays Assange

By Bill Van Auken, 12 April 2019

The handing over of Assange to his British and US persecutors is part of a sharp drive to the right by the corruption-stained government of Lenín Moreno.

WikiLeaks exposes spying operation against Assange in Ecuador’s London embassy

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning »

Australian actor Geoffrey Rush wins defamation lawsuit against Murdoch media

By Linda Tenenbaum, 12 April 2019

The judgment delivers a powerful blow against the anti-democratic methods and activities of the #MeToo movement, including its rejection of due process and of the presumption of innocence.

Arbitrary wage cuts imposed on Sri Lankan estate workers

By W.A. Sunil, 12 April 2019

The Thomson Reuters Foundation research report shows that illegal pay deductions and high workloads are widespread in the plantations.

National strike by Polish teachers enters fifth day

By Clara Weiss, 12 April 2019

The vast majority of Polish teachers remain on strike as the government refuses to make any concessions.

The resurgence of the class struggle in Poland

Pre-emptive military coup ousts Bashir to protect Sudan’s elite

By Jean Shaoul, 12 April 2019

Awad Ibn Auf, the minister of defence and deputy president, declared a three-month state of emergency, putting the country under military rule, and said that the army would oversee a two-year transitional period leading up to elections.

Six-month Brexit extension resolves nothing for UK

By Robert Stevens, 12 April 2019

At best the European Union have kicked the can down the road, with no guarantees of a resolution.

The political implications of the Corbyn/May Brexit talks

More on Brexit »

Defying US threats, Turkey vows to deploy Russian air-defence system

By Keith Jones, 12 April 2019

In a New York Times op-ed, senior Democratic and Republican leaders have signaled bipartisan Congressional support for the Trump administration’s threats to roil Turkey’s economy if it deploys the S-400.

Australian police dismissed death threat by Christchurch terrorist

By Tom Peters, 12 April 2019

The revelation demolishes claims by Australian and New Zealand authorities that the fascist Brenton Tarrant was not “on the radar” of any state agencies.

New Zealand inquiry set to whitewash fascist murders in Christchurch

Arrest made in connection with church burnings in Louisiana

By Aaron Murch, 12 April 2019

The son of a white sheriff’s deputy faces charges of setting fire to three black churches.

Sacramento, California teachers conduct one day strike

By Ben McGrath, 12 April 2019

As the teachers union works to reach a sellout deal with county officials, rank-and-file teachers are striving for a broader struggle in defense of public education.

West Virginia college axes liberal arts; Pennsylvania Historical Society slashes workforce

By Tom Eley, 12 April 2019

The moves are symptomatic of a society that can spare nothing for art and history, subordinating them to the profit imperatives of the financial elite.

More on the defense of public education »

Quebec premier backs ABI in extorting massive concessions from locked-out workers

By Laurent Lafrance, 12 April 2019

Legault’s pro-company bullying underscores the utter bankruptcy of the strategy of the USW, which has isolated the ABI workers while urging them to put their faith in appeals to Quebec right-wing CAQ government.

Two giant German banks plan merger

By Gustav Kemper and Peter Schwarz, 12 April 2019

The German government is pushing for the combination of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank to establish a financial behemoth capable of competing with the US and China.

New in Norwegian

Gjenkomsten av klassekampen i Polen

Johannes Stern og Alex Lantier, 12. april 2019

Tretti år etter at general Wojciech Jaruzelskis stalinistiske regime begynte å kollapse, og banet vei for kapitalistisk restaurering, mønstrer polske lærere en nasjonalstreik.

Britisk politi arresterer Julian Assange inne i Ecuadors ambassade i London

Oscar Grenfell, 12. april 2019

«Assange utvisning fra ambassaden og hans arrestasjon er uforlignelige forbrytelser,» sa James Cogan, nasjonalsekretær for SEP (Australia). «En journalist og utgiver, som ikke har begått noen forbrytelse, har fått sitt asyl opphevet og blitt slept avgårde til fengsel i strid med gjentatte FN-rettsbeslutninger som har opprettholdt hans status som politisk flyktning.»

WikiLeaks eksponerer spioneringsoperasjon mot Assange inne i Ecuadors ambassade i London

Oscar Grenfell, 12. april 2019

Det ekvadorianske regimet, som fungerer som en vassal av USA, har overvåket alle aspekter av Assanges liv.

USA utpeker Irans revolusjonsgarde som terroristgruppe

Barry Grey, 12. april 2019

Trump og Pompeo gjorde et poeng av å true andre land, utenlandske embetsrepresentanter og bedrifter med gjengjeldende sanksjoner og mulig strafferettslig forfølgelse.

Tyske Bundestag feiret NATOs 70 år, med krav om eskalert militæropprustning

Johannes Stern, 12. april 2019

Politikere fra både de regjerende og fra opposisjonspartiene hyllet i tur og orden historiens største militærallianse, og krevde en eskalering av tysk gjenopprustning.

Princeton University finansierer den høyreorienterte historikeren og propagandisten Jörg Baberowski med $ 300 000

David North, 12. april 2019

Jörg Baberowski, den ekstreme høyreorienterte historikeren som leder Institutt for østeuropeiske studier ved Berlins Humboldt Universitet, ble i mars invitert av Princeton University for å delta på et lukket konferanse-seminar om temaet «Diktaturer i Overgang».

SEP (Australia) fordømmer arresteringen av Julian Assange

SEPs Politiske komité, 12. april 2019

SEP har kalt for presserende demonstrasjonssamlinger i Sydney og Melbourne på fredag, for å kreve at den australske regjeringen treffer umiddelbare tiltak for å sikre Assanges retur til Australia, med en garanti mot utlevering til USA.

Australsk statsminister kaller for krisevalg den 18. mai

Mike Head, 12. april 2019

Statsminister Morrisons kunngjøring er et bud om å stenge parlamentet og gå til valgurnene så raskt som mulig, før den økonomiske situasjonen forverres.

New in Russian

Британская полиция арестовала Джулиана Ассанжа в эквадорском посольстве

Оскар Гренфелл, 12 апреля 2019 г.

«Изгнание Ассанжа из посольства и его арест — беспрецедентные преступления, — сказал Джеймс Коган, национальный секретарь ПСР (Австралия). — Журналисту и издателю, который не совершил никакого преступления, было отказано в убежище, и его забрали в тюрьму в нарушение неоднократных решений ООН, подтверждающих его статус политического беженца».

Забастовка польских учителей против социальной катастрофы, вызванной капиталистической реставрацией

Клара Вайс и Джерри Уайт, 12 апреля 2019 г.

Сотни тысяч работников образования продолжают свою забастовку против крайне правого правительства Польши и его политики жесткой экономии и социальной реакции.

New in Portuguese

O socialismo assombra a classe dominante dos EUA

Andre Damon, 12 Abril 2019

Desde que Donald Trump jurou em seu discurso sobre o Estado da União que “os Estados Unidos nunca serão um país socialista”, o presidente adotou o anti-socialismo como o tema de sua campanha de reeleição para 2020.

New in Spanish

El resurgimiento de la lucha de clases en Polonia

Johannes Stern y Alex Lantier, 12 abril 2019

Treinta años después de que el régimen estalinista del general Wojciech Jaruzelski comenzó a colapsar y diera paso a la restauración capitalista, los maestros polacos están montando una huelga nacional.

La policía británica arresta a Julian Assange en la embajada de Ecuador

Oscar Grenfell, 12 abril 2019

“La expulsión de Assange de la embajada y su arresto son crímenes sin precedentes”, dijo James Cogan, el secretario nacional del PSI (Australia). “A un periodista y editor, que no cometió ningún crimen, le han terminado el asilo y lo han sacado a rastras hacia la cárcel en violación de repetidos dictámenes de la ONU manteniendo su estatus como refugiado político”.

Con el colapso del voto laborista israelí
Netanyahu se prepara para formar su cuarto gobierno consecutivo

Jean Shaoul, 12 abril 2019

Netanyahu encabezará una coalición de partidos religiosos ortodoxos y de extrema derecha, que incluirá una organización abiertamente fascista.

El Partido Socialista por la Igualdad (Australia) condena el arresto de Julian Assange

Comité Político del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad (Australia), 12 abril 2019

El PSI ha convocado a mítines urgentes en Sídney y Melbourne el viernes para exigir que el Gobierno australiano tome acciones inmediatas para asegurar el regreso de Assange a Australia con la garantía de que no será extraditado a Estados Unidos.

WikiLeaks expone una operación de espionaje contra Assange en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres

Oscar Grenfell, 12 abril 2019

El régimen ecuatoriano, que actúa como vasallo de los Estados Unidos, ha vigilado todos los aspectos de la vida de Assange.

La Universidad de Princeton da $300.000 para financiar al historiador y propagandista derechista Jörg Baberowski

David North, 12 abril 2019

Jörg Baberowski, el historiador ultraderechista y director del Departamento de Estudios de Europa del Este en la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín, fue invitado por la Universidad de Princeton en marzo para participar en una conferencia-seminario cerrada con el tema “dictaduras en transición”.

New in Turkish

Britanya polisi, Julian Assange’ı Ekvador büyükelçiliğinde gözaltına aldı

Oscar Grenfell, 12 Nisan 2019

Ekvador Devlet Başkanı Lenin Moreno yönetimi, Julian Assange’ın siyasi sığınmasına yasadışı bir şekilde son verdi ve Britanya polisini onu gözaltına almak üzere ülkenin Londra büyükelçiliğine davet etti.

SEP (Avustralya): Julian Assange’ın gözaltına alınmasını mahkum ediyoruz

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi (Avustralya) Siyasi Komitesi, 12 Nisan 2019

Sosyalist Eşitlik Partisi, Ekvador hükümetinin WikiLeaks yayıncısı Julian Assange’a siyasi sığınma tanımayı sona erdirmeye karar vermesini ve onu gözaltına alması için Britanya polisine kapıyı açmasını kesin bir şekilde mahkum eder.

İşçi Partisi oyları çökerken
Netanyahu dördüncü hükümetini kurmaya hazırlanıyor

Jean Shaoul, 12 Nisan 2019

İsrailli seçmenlerin, sunulan siyasi perspektife düşmanlıklarını ifade edecek hiçbir siyasi araca sahip olmayan neredeyse yüzde 40’ı, sandığa gitmemiştir.

New in French

La police britannique arrête Julian Assange dans l'ambassade équatorienne

Oscar Grenfell, 12 avril 2019

«L'expulsion d'Assange de l'ambassade et son arrestation sont des crimes sans précédent», a déclaré James Cogan, le secrétaire national du SEP (Australie). «Un journaliste et éditeur, qui n'a commis aucun crime, a vu son droit d'asile suspendu et a été traîné en prison en violation des décisions répétées de l'ONU qui ont confirmé son statut de réfugié politique.»

WikiLeaks démasque une opération d'espionnage contre Assange à l'ambassade équatorienne de Londres

Oscar Grenfell, 12 avril 2019

Le régime équatorien, agissant comme le vassal des États-Unis, a surveillé chaque aspect de la vie d’Assange.

La résurgence de la lutte des classes en Pologne

Johannes Stern et Alex Lantier, 12 avril 2019

Trente ans après l’effondrement du régime stalinien du général Wojciech Jaruzelski, ouvrant la voie à la restauration capitaliste, les enseignants polonais organisent une grève nationale.

New in German

Das Wiederaufleben des Klassenkampfes in Polen

Johannes Stern und Alex Lantier, 12. April 2019

Dreißig Jahre nach dem Zusammenbruch des stalinistischen Regimes von General Wojciech Jaruzelski, der der Restauration des Kapitalismus den Weg ebnete, sind polnische Lehrer landesweit in den Streik getreten.

Auftakt der SGP zur Europawahl
Führende Vertreter der Vierten Internationale aus Großbritannien und Frankreich sprechen in Berlin

der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei, 12. April 2019

Auf der Berliner Auftaktveranstaltung der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei (SGP) zur Europawahl am kommenden Sonntag sprechen mit Chris Marsden und Alex Lantier auch zwei führende Vertreter der Vierten Internationale aus Großbritannien und Frankreich.

SGP-Wahlkampf vor Opel-Rüsselsheim

Marianne Arens, 12. April 2019

Ein Team der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei diskutierte mit Opel-Arbeitern in Rüsselsheim darüber, wie der Kampf gegen den Stellenabbau in der Autoindustrie, gegen Angriffe auf demokratische Grundrechte und für die Freiheit von Julian Assange geführt werden kann.

Princeton University stellt 300.000 Dollar für den rechten Historiker und Propagandisten Jörg Baberowski bereit

David North, 12. April 2019

Jörg Baberowski, der rechtsextreme Historiker und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für die Geschichte Osteuropas an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, wurde im März von der Princeton University zu einer geschlossenen Konferenz zum Thema „Diktaturen im Wandel“ eingeladen.

Die Amazonisierung der Autoindustrie

Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 12. April 2019

Volkswagen ist mit Amazon eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. Die Autoarbeiter sollten dies als Warnung verstehen. Sie sollen wie die Arbeiter in den Lagern des Versandhandelskonzerns bis auf den letzten Tropfen ausgepresst werden.

Eine „beispielhafte Genossin“: Sylvia Callen, stalinistische Agentin, 40 Jahre lang von der Socialist Workers Party (USA) gedeckt
Teil 3

Eric London, 12. April 2019

Die vierteilige Serie untersucht, wie die Socialist Workers Party (SWP) ab 1947 Informationen vertuschte, die die Rolle von Sylvia Callen, der persönlichen Sekretärin des langjährigen Parteichefs James P. Cannon, als stalinistische Agentin aufdecken.

New in Urdu

نیوزی لینڈ پر دہشتگردی کا حملہ اور فاشزم کا بین الاقوامی خطرہ

ٹوم پیٹر

مسلح شخص نے جو دہشتگردی کی کارروائی کی اْسے تیار کیاگیا تھا جسے فاشسٹوں کے بین الاقوامی نیٹ ورک اور سفید نسل پرستوں کی جانب سے عمل میں لایاگیا ۔

Other Languages


Free Julian Assange!

12 April 2019

The World Socialist Web Site emphatically condemns the forcible seizure and arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Earlier Perspectives »

The Fight Against Fascism

Princeton University provides $300,000 in funding for right-wing historian and propagandist Jörg Baberowski

By David North, 10 April 2019

Christoph Vandreier kicks off US speaking tour with well-attended meeting at UC Berkeley

By Gabriel Black, 10 April 2019

“What will be required is a very high level of political and historical awareness”
David North appeals to readers to attend US meetings against fascism

SEP (US) National Chairman David North said, "The visit next month of Comrade Christoph Vandreier to the United States is simply the application of a strategy of the international organization of the working class against the fascist threat. They will not conquer again, we can be certain of that."

David North to address public meetings with Christoph Vandreier: “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It”

2 April 2019

“In order to fight fascism, we must understand where it comes from.”
Author Christoph Vandreier to tour US

Christoph Vandreier, author of the newly released book Why are They Back? Historical Falsification, Political Conspiracy and the Return of Fascism in Germany, explains the importance of his upcoming speaking tour in the US.


College admissions scandal in the US: An inevitable product of malignant levels of social inequality

By David Walsh, 12 April 2019

The corrupt process is the implementation, in this particular field, of the “aristocratic principle,” the domination of the plutocracy at the expense of every other social interest or concern.

Which way forward for the struggle against Algeria’s military dictatorship?

By Alex Lantier, 12 April 2019

After the 2011 uprising and the 2013 military coup in Egypt, there is a broad sense that mass militant protests by themselves cannot overthrow an entrenched ruling class.

Libya’s descent into civil war: The bitter fruit of the pseudo-left's pro-imperialism

By Bill Van Auken, 10 April 2019

Factional provocation, middle-class hysteria, and the collapse of the International Socialist Organization

Norwood Jewell, the UAW and the Flint water crisis

By Jerry White, 10 April 2019

Corruption probe engulfs top UAW executives

Arts Review

Emilio Estevez’s The Public: The homeless refuse to freeze to death

By Joanne Laurier, 11 April 2019

A group of homeless people in Cincinnati resist being thrown out of a public library onto the streets on an especially frigid night.

Flint, a play at the University of Michigan: Stuck, unfortunately, in the quagmire of racial politics

By Joanne Laurier, 10 April 2019

“Tarrafal Never Again!” exhibition in Lisbon exposes horrors of Portugal’s fascist concentration camp

By Charles Hixson and Paul Mitchell, 9 April 2019


First imagery of black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 11 April 2019

The results from the planet-wide array of radio telescopes are the first direct measurements of the structure of a black hole and its surrounding environment.

Lessons of the Matamoros workers' rebellion

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part four

By Andrea Lobo, 11 April 2019

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part one

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part two

New trade union bureaucracies or rank-and-file workers’ power?
Lessons of the Matamoros workers’ rebellion: Part three

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 April 2019

Gold miners in South Africa voted to continue strike action against Sibanye Stillwater, while Greek teachers planned a 24-hour walkout and Israeli firefighters say they will strike over working conditions.

Lower turnout for second one-day strike at California universities and health systems

By Evelyn Rios, 11 April 2019

University of California service and patient care technicians on one-day strike

A letter from a young US Postal Service worker

By Côme Crozier, 11 April 2019

“We believe in our art and can’t let them take it away”
Chicago symphony musicians defy management offer, continue strike

By Michael Walters and George Marlowe, 10 April 2019

“Music is too powerful to be silenced by tyranny”
Chicago symphony musicians host packed concerts as strike reaches turning point

Teamsters working with YRC trucking companies to impose concessions contract

By Steve Filips, 9 April 2019

25 years ago: The suicide of Kurt Cobain

On April 8, 1994, Nirvana’s lead singer Kurt Cobain was found dead in his Seattle, Washington home, from a gunshot wound to the head.

More »

50 years ago: Harvard students occupy campus building

On April 9, 1969, Harvard University students began a series of protests against the Vietnam War. About 500 students held an occupation of the school’s administration building.

More »

75 years ago: Bombay ship explosion kills over 800

On April 14, 1944, the SS Fort Stikine, a British armaments ship, exploded at the Victoria Dock of Bombay, the Indian financial capital now known as Mumbai.

More »

100 years ago: British massacre hundreds in Punjab

On April 13, 1919, British Indian Army troops under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer fired into a crowd of people demonstrating in the Jallianwala Bagh, a public garden in the Punjabi city of Amritsar, site of the Sikh Golden Temple.

More »


One hundred years since the formation of the Communist International

By Peter Schwarz, 20 March 2019

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lanka: Abbotsleigh Estate Workers Action Committee and SEP hold powerful conference

By our correspondents, 20 March 2019

Support grows for Sri Lankan plantation workers’ conference

Socialist Equality Party of Germany certified to stand in European elections

By our reporter, 19 March 2019

Socialist Equality Party files lawsuit against German secret service

The Socialist Equality Party’s lawsuit against Germany’s secret service

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian Trotskyists hold Kolkata public meeting to celebrate 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 13 March 2019

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI

By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

History of the ICFI

From the arsenal of Trotskyism
The Political Report by David North to the International Committee of the Fourth International—February 11, 1984

12 February 2019

Thirty-five years ago this week, David North, then the national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), presented at a meeting of the International Committee of the Fourth International a critique of the British Workers Revolutionary Party’s abandonment of key theoretical conceptions and programmatic principles of Trotskyism.

Halil Celik, 1961-2018

Halil Celik, a fighter for socialism (1961-2018)

By Peter Schwarz, 1 February 2019

On December 31, 2018, Halil Celik, founder and leader of the group Sosyalist Eşitlik, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died of cancer at the age of 57. This obituary presents an overview of his life.

In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)

Security and the Fourth International

New book now available
Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement

By Mehring Books, 21 January 2019

The WSWS announces the release of a new book, Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement, by Eric London.

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

Book Review

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.

Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four