For over 160 years The Age has been serving its readers with intelligent, independent journalism.
Since its first publication on October 17, 1854, The Age has been serving its readers with intelligent, independent journalism. Every day, it reaches out to the Victorian community and beyond, educating, challenging and interacting with its readers. Our journalists are passionate about uncovering the truth of the matter. From political promises and business bargaining, to AFL scandals and even, the best coffee in Melbourne. We believe inspiring stories are all around us, just waiting to be discovered. For more than 160 years we’ve been committed to fearless and honest storytelling. Despite the constantly changing ways our audience can access our journalism, we continue our commitment to upholding quality in everything we do – this will never change.
- 49% Social Grade AB
- 25% Business Decision Makers
- 30% Managers or Professionals
- 35% Main or Sole Grocery Buyers
- Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT; People 14+ for the 12 months ending December, 2018 Nielsen Content Monthly Ratings December, 2018; People 14+