Call for Testing: Gutenberg 5.0

This release includes two new blocks and a way to change the focal point in a cover image block. It also implements a performance improvement when adding/removing blocks, several enhancements, bug fixes, documentation improvements, tooling updates, and removed PHP code now maintained in Core.

The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks. The Gutenberg plugin is currently the main focus for the testing group and Gutenberg is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below. You can also see other options for getting setup for testing in the handbook. When testing, use the latest stable release of WordPress (5.0.3) and the Gutenberg 5.0 plugin (download using the links above). All testing is welcome even if itā€™s just one or two items!
  1. Add an RSS feed using the new RSS block. (7966)
  2. Find the Amazon instant preview link for your favorite book and embed it into a post. (13510)
  3. Add a Cover block and change the focal point for the image. (10925)
  4. Add several blocks in quick succession (it should feel faster than in the previous release). (13067)
  5. Try to create a reusable block as a contributor (you should not be able to). (12378)
  6. Log in as an admin and create a reusable block. Log in as an author or contributor and try to delete it (you should not be able to). (12378)
  7. Log in as an author and try to edit the reusable block created in the previous step (you should not be able to). (12378)
  8. Add a SmugMug photo or slideshow embed. Check to make sure the embed works on the front-end but you do not see a preview in the editor (12961).
  9. Add a gallery block with 4 images and set the columns to 4 then click the pencil icon in the gallery block toolbar and remove an image. Check that the columns option changes to 3. (13423)
  10. Create a new category with no published posts in it. Start a new post and try to assign the new category to it (you should not be able to). (13549)
  11. Add a columns block with an odd number of columns and check that the margins on the right and left work as expected. Try from different themes. (12199)
  12. Add a list block and use the indent and outdent buttons on various list items in the list. (12667)
  13. Accessibility: using a screen reader, go to the More menu and toggle between the views for Top Toolbar, Spotlight Mode, and Fullscreen Mode and check that the change is announced properly. (13385)
  14. Accessibility: using a screen reader, use the block inserter to search for any block and check that the label ā€œSearch for a blockā€ is announced correctly followed by the number of results. (13388)
  15. For more, seeĀ pull requests merged in the 5.0 milestone.
If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you! Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing!

#5-0, #call-for-testing, #gutenberg

X-post: Our Strengths and Challenges

X-comment from Comment on Our Strengths and Challenges

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.9

This release includes a lot of tweaks, bug fixes and performance improvements. It includes a new Async Rendering Mode for blocks so itā€™s important to test it with custom blocks.

The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks. The Gutenberg plugin is currently the main focus for the testing group and Gutenberg is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below. You can also see other options for getting setup for testing in the handbook. When testing, use the latest stable release of WordPress (5.0.3) and the Gutenberg 4.9 plugin (download using the links above). All testing is welcome even if itā€™s just one or two items!
  1. Open a large document and quickly type a short word. Typing should not feel slow, if it does please note the document size you tested. (13056)
  2. Check custom blocks from many available plugins. (13056)
  3. Mark a post as pending review and check that the publish date still says ā€œimmediatelyā€. (13178)
  4. Upload an image with a title in its metadata and check that the title in the media library is the same. (13193)
  5. Try applying background colors for the table block stripes. (10611)
  6. Try using the fullscreen mode in different browsers including Edge and notice that you only have a single scrollbar on long posts. (13327)
  7. Try using the alignment toolbar in the Cover and Categories blocks .
  8. For more, seeĀ pull requests merged in the 4.8 milestone.
If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you! Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing! #4-9, #call-for-testing, #gutenberg

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.8

This release includes 5.0.3 fixes and other small improvements, including another round of performance improvements. It will line up with includes WordPress 5.0.3 fixes but it doesnā€™t align with it completely and can be first tested as plugin version 4.8.

The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks. The Gutenberg plugin is currently the main focus for the testing group and Gutenberg is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below. You can also see other options for getting setup for testing in the handbook. When testing, use the latest stable release of WordPress (5.0.2) and the Gutenberg 4.8 plugin (download using the links above). All testing is welcome even if itā€™s just one or two items!
  1. Open a large document and quickly type a short word. Typing should not feel slow, if it does please note the document size you tested. (12312)
  2. Check that drag and drop works as expected when adding media before/after blocks and on the media placeholder. (12852)
  3. Open the editor and try to drag an image that is larger than the max file upload limit. You should see a relevant error message. (10224)
  4. Add a File block, upload a large file, click the Copy URL button. Make sure the URL copied does not start with ā€œblobā€. Throttle your connection speed if needed. (12499)
  5. Add a gallery of images, set an alignment, convert the gallery into images and verify the alignment is preserved. (12242)
  6. Create a post with multiple paragraphs, ensure you have a large number of plugins active that make the left hand menu long (e.g. 10 custom post types), publish or refresh, attempt to scroll to the end. (12644)
  7. Add a Latest Posts block, add an extra class in Additional CSS Class box, make sure the date position does not change. (12725)
  8. Add a Latest Posts block, click on Align Center, and check that the content centers as expected. (12306)
  9. Add a short sentence to a paragraph block, enable dropcaps from block options, hover over the block and note the hover area is shown around the dropcap and content. (12177)
  10. Create a classic post, insert an image with a caption AND link to the media file, publish the classic post, edit the post in the block editor, convert the classic block to blocks. There should not be a duplicate image. (12315)
  11. Open any post, run this command in the console dispatch action command ''core/editor').lockPostSaving('lockName');' then click on ā€œUpdateā€. Update button should not do any action if it is locked. (11809)
  12. If you use custom post types with taxonomies, ensure all taxonomies have show_in_rest, and check that you can see more than 10 taxonomies. (12971)
  13. If you use custom posts types with 'publicly_queryable' => false, check that you can save the post without any problems. (12800)
  14. For more, seeĀ issues in the 4.8 milestone.
If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you! Block developers: make sure to be aware ofĀ deprecations. Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing! #4-8, #call-for-testing, #gutenberg

Comparing the Classic Editor and Gutenberg

Some videos of people using the Classic Editor were shown in the State of the Word 2018. These videos illustrate some of the pain points found in past usability testing, studies, surveys, and feedback. We added a few tests of Gutenberg with same tasks and are sharing them here.


  • Classic Editor: 10 participants (6 female, 4 male), 3 countries, age range: 20-39, web expertise: average or advanced, WP experience: novice or average, NPS: 6.4.
  • Gutenberg: 3 participants (2 female, 1 male), 2 countries, age range: 19-36, web expertise: average or advanced, WP experience: novice or average, NPS: 8.3.


  • You are on assignment to write an article for a new travel blog. Luckily, they are sending you to your favorite vacation spot! Your instructions are to choose a topic you think will get people as excited as you are about this place. Itā€™s up to you to pick a focus (food, activities, lodging, etc.). Start atĀ
  1. Log in with username demo and passwordĀ pass037538
  2. Give your post a title and add one sentence.
  3. Add two images side-by-side.Ā 
  4. Add a YouTube video.
  5. Click ā€œPreviewā€ to check your work so far.
  6. Go back to editing and add a caption to the video you added before.
  7. Add an image on the left and some text on the right and a paragraph below it.
  8. Move the video or images from one part of the content to another (i.e. from the top to the bottom or vice versa).
  9. You love to close each article with the same snippet. Open the following link, copy the HTML, and add it to the end of your post.
1 <img draggable=ā€falseā€ class=ā€emojiā€ alt=ā€<img draggable=ā€falseā€ class=ā€emojiā€ alt=ā€ā€ src=ā€ā€>ā€ src=ā€ā€>
  1. Publish the post!

Classic Editor Highlight Reels

Gutenberg Highlight Reels

Although the questions were initially created for the Classic Editor, the same tasks in Gutenberg were compared.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

We asked, ā€œbased on your experience today, how likely are you to recommend this editor to a friend or colleague? (0=Not at all likely, and 10=Very Likely)?ā€ after each test. Users rated the Classic Editor experience at an average of 6.4 and the Gutenberg experience 8.3.

Links to Full Videos

  1. Session 1 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  2. Session 2 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  3. Session 3 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  4. Session 4 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  5. Session 5 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  6. Session 6 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  7. Session 7 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  8. Session 8 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  9. Session 9 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  10. Session 10 ā€”VideoPress
  11. Session 1 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  12. Session 2 ā€”Ā VideoPress
  13. Session 3 ā€”Ā VideoPress
    (One task was modified here accidentally: ā€œAdd two images side-by-sideĀ in a galleryā€ and this little bit helped the user discover how to complete the task.)

Thereā€™s More!

A sitebuilding study is under way, and you can volunteer to get involved or follow along on the Make WordPress Design blog.

#gutenberg, #usability-testing

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.7

This Gutenberg release includes several bug fixes and focuses on improving the performance of the block editor, particularly when editing large posts. It will line up with WordPress 5.0.1 and can be first tested as a plugin version 4.7.

The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks. The Gutenberg plugin is currently the main focus for the testing group and Gutenberg is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below. You can also see other options for getting setup for testing in the handbook. Currently, you should be testing with WordPress 5.0 stable alongside the Gutenberg 4.7 plugin. This is becauseĀ 5.1-alpha trunkĀ is currently undergoing some cleanupĀ (normally, testing with trunkĀ is fine). All testing is welcome even if itā€™s just one or two items!
  1. Create a very long post with thousands of words. (12480)
  2. Open a very long post and begin typing to add new content. (12386, 12460, 12521, 12547)
  3. Create a large post with many different types of blocks. (12384, 12510)
  4. Add an image to the Media & Text block and try to resize the image. (12619)
  5. Add an image by selecting one from the media library, click undo, and make sure the placeholder shows properly at that point. (12567)
  6. Copy and paste content from one block to another. Switch to Code Editor mode. (12543)
  7. Insert several images into a classic block and make sure they are inserted into the correct location where the cursor was positioned. (10509)
  8. Try tabbing through blocks and check to see if it works as expected even after pressingĀ Ctrl + backtickĀ twice to jump to the top toolbar and back to the content area. (12390)
  9. Create, delete, add, then trash a reusable block. After it is trashed checked to see that a ā€œDeleted or unavailableā€ message appears in its place in the editor.Ā (12345)
  10. Copy content from a word processing app and confirm no spaces are collapsed unexpectedly. (12166)
  11. Edit a paragraph as HTML. Remove a space and insert a line break (use ENTER). Edit visually. You should see a space where you inserted the line break. Edit the content. Edit as HTML. The line break should be replaced by a space. (12166)
  12. Disable a core block, try pasting content that will trigger that block, expect it to. (11057)
  13. InstallĀ ACFĀ and make sure hidden meta boxes stay hidden. (12628)
  14. Install a plugin which uses TinyMCE in a textareaĀ in a meta box area, such asĀ Memberlite ElementsĀ or Meta Box (and can you think of any others we can test?), then create a post using that content and make sure it saves. (12568)
  15. For more, seeĀ issues in the 4.7 milestone.
If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you! Block developers: make sure to be aware ofĀ deprecations. Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing!

#4-7, #call-for-testing, #gutenberg

Call for Testing: Gutenberg + Popular Plugins

Calls for testing WordPress 5.0 beta have been running since Oct 24, and the release is right around the corner. While we have highlighted a few plugins to test in past calls for testing here on make/test, it was pointed out that more plugin testing would be helpful to have and so letā€™s add it in!

Plugins that are most likely to have compatibility issues are those that modify the the interface of the post edit screen, perform actions on post update/save or add custom taxonomies.Ā /hat tip @gschoppe via
To help test, you can install and activate the WordPress Beta Tester plugin on a test site, select ā€œBleeding edge nightliesā€ from the Tools > Beta Testing page and then click ā€œUpdate Nowā€ on the Dashboard > Updates page in wp-admin. From there, pick any plugin from the list below and see what you can break. šŸ™‚ If you find a plugin conflict between the plugin you are testing and Gutenberg, the very best place to report it is to the plugin developer directly. Each plugin has a support forum available by using the Support tab at the top of the plugin directory page. You may also report plugin conflicts to the gutenbergĀ repository on GitHub where you will likely get more help testing and advice on where and how to report back to the plugin author if needed. To start, Iā€™ve picked a handful of plugins either because they seem like good candidates from the popular plugins listĀ or have been mentioned inĀ Ā gutenbergĀ on GitHub or on this blog:
  1. Yoast SEO
  2. Advanced Custom Forms
  3. Wordfence
  4. Elementor
  5. Contact Form 7
  6. WPForms
  7. NextGEN Gallery
  8. Divi Theme
There are many more plugins to test, and suggestions are welcome if you think any should be added to this list. This list should be considered a starting point and anything from the first four pages of theĀ popular plugins listĀ would also be good toĀ consider for testing. If you are able to help test, pick something you like, or that looks interesting to you, or (even better!) that you use on your own site. It is worth noting that several of these plugins have been tested already and many developers have been working hard on updates along the wayā€”some even include custom Gutenberg blocks. This call for testing is an extra way to try to provide help for those developers. If you are a plugin developer and would like to add your plugin as a suggested addition for testing, it would be helpful to provide a link and a short list of testing ideas or steps to help testers get oriented with your work. Please leave a comment if youā€™re interested!

#call-for-testing, #gutenberg, #plugins, #popular-plugins

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.3 Pre-release

This release will have a short turnaround time for testing in order to allow the plugin and core code to get better aligned for merging.

The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks. The Gutenberg plugin is currently the main focus for the testing group and Gutenberg is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress.Ā 

To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below. If you donā€™t have time to test everything on the list, try just doing a few items. All testing is welcome!

  1. Add several blocks with various alignments (left, right, center) and check to make sure the toolbar appears properly for each one. (11357)
  2. Press meta+AĀ to select a block and meta+AĀ again to select all blocks. Test with Safari and Firefox. (8180)
  3. Test the sibling inserter with Firefox and Safari. (11684)
  4. Create a new post and start typing for at least 10 seconds. Verify that autosave does not occur while typing and that autosave does occur after 10 seconds of no action. (10103)
  5. Add a pullquote and change the colors in various ways. Make sure the text is readable. (10792)
  6. Add a Media & Text block, select the ā€œStack on mobileā€ option, publish and view on mobile and see that the blocks are responsive. (10969)
  7. Create a Google Docs document with text that is both bold and italics and that has text with strikethrough, subscript, and superscript. Copy and paste the content into the editor and check that the formatting is correct. (11207)
  8. Drag and drop multiple files into the editor and check that file blocks are created for each one. (11297)
  9. Insert a thumbnail-sized image and set the link settings to media file. Check that clicking on the image from the published post opens the full-sized image. (11254)
  10. Change the permalink for an existing post and save changes. Make sure the ā€œView asā€ link in the black toolbar at the top works as expected. (11262)
  11. Try opening a draft or a previously published post, do not make changes, close the browser tabā€”make sure you are not prompted to save changes if you opened a post and did not make any changes. (4687)
  12. Activate a dropdown item, such as the inserter, and click outside of it to close the dropdown. (11253)
  13. Add a YouTube URL to a video block and make sure it gets added as a working YouTube embed. (6824)
  14. Schedule a post and make sure it works as expected. (11418)
  15. Transform a Media & Text block to a video or image block and vice versa. (11420)
  16. Convert a classic block to blocks with e.g. a span with attributes in a paragraph. (11539)
  17. Upload ~10 large (10 MB) images into a gallery and see that they upload without error. (11565)
  18. Use Alt+F10Ā to navigate to the block toolbar (not the editor toolbar). (11607)
  19. Add a columns block with various content. (11620, 11659)
  20. For more, seeĀ issues in the 4.3 milestone.

Accessibility Related

These are accessibility-related testing steps, though anyone can help test these!

  1. Publish a post using the keyboard only (4187).
  2. Navigate through the images in a gallery using the keyboard. Try different browsers. (11205)
  3. Add a link to another existing post from your site using the keyboard only. (10838)
  4. Using a screen reader, add a link, search for a post, select a link, and check that the result is announced.Ā (10838)
  5. Using a screen reader, select multiple blocks, and check that the number of blocks selected is read out. (11422)

Bonus Round

You should test these if youā€™re willing to dig in a little deeper, if you know of (or can find) custom plugins that use some of the updated capabilities, or if you would like to help test Gutenberg with popular plugins.

  1. Go to More > Options and check the option for Custom Fields. Check that custom fields work as expected. (11084)
  2. Add a left aligned and a right-aligned image to a post. Switch the site to use an RTL language and check that the alignments are the same. (11293)
  3. Add a bunch of meta boxes and check to make sure the editor still has ample room. (11482)
  4. Find a plugin that removes the ā€œkitchen sinkā€ button from the old editor and confirm it works as expected. (10964)
  5. Install a plugin that uses the SlotFill API (for example: DropIt or Yoast SEO) and make sure it works as expected. (11123)
  6. Test withĀ Advanced Custom Forms (ACF).
  7. Test withĀ Yoast SEO.

If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you!

Block developers: make sure to be aware ofĀ deprecations.

Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing!

#4-3, #call-for-testing, #editor, #gutenberg

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.2 Pre-release

Gutenberg is currently the main focus for the testing group and it is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks.

To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below (or anything listed in the 4.2 release notes). Testing even just a few items is helpful. All testing is welcome!

  1. In block toolbars, check that all writing formatters (e.g. bold, italic, link, strikethrough) work as expected. Try both clicking and keyboard shortcuts. Try from different browsers.Ā (10209)
  2. Add several blocks and use the sibling inserter to add new blocks between them. Try from different browsers. (11018, 11243)
  3. Add new categories to a post. Save draft. Refresh. Are categories added as expected? (10089)
  4. Type some text into a paragraph block and check that pressing Escape makes the block toolbar appear (note: Unified Toolbar mode should be off for this test). (10906)
  5. Type /imgĀ into a new block and check that the image block appears as an option. (10955)
  6. Add the Latest Posts block, toggle ā€œDisplay post dateā€ on, publish or preview the post and check that the has-datesĀ class appears in the source code both in the editor and on the front end. (10727)
  7. Using a small screen (mobile), check that you can open and close the Options panel from More menu (three dots, very top right) > Options (near the bottom). (10894)
  8. Add an image, add a link for the image (sidebar near the bottom), toggle ā€œOpen in New Windowā€ on, publish the post and check that a new window opens when you click on the image.Ā (9520)
  9. Add a button block and change the background and text color. Do the color changes work as you expected? (10658)
  10. Add a file block, attache a file, publish the post, and check that the ā€œDownloadā€ button works normally.Ā Try different types of files. (10976)
  11. Turn on Unified Toolbar mode. Add aĀ Media & Text block and check that you can resize media. (10913)
  12. Add a classic block and include some inline images, links, bold text, italic text and try modifying each of those after making edits throughout.Ā  (10723)
  13. Using a small screen (mobile), log in as a contributor, submit a post, and make sure the ā€œSubmit for Reviewā€ button appears. (10941)
  14. General: performance improvements were made to toolbars, inserters, and the classic block. Did you notice the changes? (ref)
  15. General: some descriptions of blocks and options in block settings have changed. If you spot one that doesnā€™t make sense to you, leave a note in the comments here or ask about it in #core-editor on Slack.
  16. General accessibility: in the WP Admin main menu on the left, go to Gutenberg > Demo and try to navigate to the pullquote block using the keyboard. Did keyboard navigation work as expected for you? Why or why not? Add notes for this one to the comments here and I will pull details and compile them for a succinct issue if needed. šŸ™‚
  17. There is more to test! See Whatā€™s new in Gutenberg? (30th Oct)Ā .

Accessibility Related

I wanted to call out accessibility-related testing steps this time in order to highlight some of the important accessibility updates coming through right now and because it may make sense to group them together while testing. Anyone can help test these!

  1. Type some text into a paragraph block and check that the toolbar shows when you press Escape. (10906)
  2. Add aĀ Media & Text block with an image and change the alt text for the image. (11073)
  3. Open the sidebar, click ā€œDocumentā€, pressĀ Tab, pressĀ Spacebar, check that the ā€œBlockā€ tab is still focused. (10917)
  4. Using a screen reader (if you have a Mac you can use VoiceOver and Safari), open the block inserter, search for a block, and check that you hear an audible response for the number of search results or ā€œno resultsā€. (10755)
  5. Using a screen reader (if you have a Mac you can use VoiceOver and Safari): add, edit, and then remove a link and check that those actions are announced audibly. (10795)

Bonus Round

Iā€™m also adding a separate section as an optional bonus round for testing. You should test these if you know of (or can find) custom plugins that use some of the updated capabilities (such as registering new toolbar buttons in blocks) or if you would like to help test Gutenberg with popular plugins. If you think of a plugin youā€™d like to see added, please comment to note it!

  1. Add a WordPress embed and check that there is not a big empty space after the block. (10985)
  2. Find a plugin that adds buttons to any block toolbar and check that the added buttons are working as expected. (11196)
  3. i18n: using a small screen (mobile) and with the site language set to something other than English, log in as a contributor, submit a post, and make sure the ā€œSubmit for Reviewā€ button appears. (10941)
  4. i18n: change your site language to something other than English and check that taxonomy panels display localized strings. (8449)
  5. i18n: install a plugin which contains a block name made in a non-Latin script (e.g.Ā Š”ŠæŠøсŠ¾ŠŗĀ for the List block in Russian) and check that the block appears when you type /сŠæ into a new block. Note that searching for names with diacrytics should also work. (10961, 10770)
  6. Plugin developers can now disable post publishing (lock the post) if certain conditions arenā€™t met such as a required a minimum title length, requiring a featured image, disallowing certain types of content, etc. If you have a plugin which has a pre-publish lock or checklist, can you note it in the comments with testing steps? šŸ™‚ (10649)
  7. Test withĀ Advanced Custom Forms (ACF).
  8. Test withĀ Yoast SEO.

If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you!

Block developers: note that there are several deprecations in 4.2 to keep an eye on. It is also noteworthy that you can now write a format that is usable across all blocks that use RichTextĀ (10209).

Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing!

#4-2, #call-for-testing, #editor, #gutenberg

Call for Testing: Gutenberg 4.1 Pre-release

The feature-complete version of Gutenberg (4.1) is now ready for pre-release testing! Gutenberg is currently the main focus for the testing group and it is theĀ new editing experience in WordPress. The goal of Gutenberg is to simplify the creation of rich pages and posts in WordPress by replacing old custom HTML, CSS, and shortcodes with native Blocks.

UPDATE: Links have been updated to 4.1 RC 2 as ofĀ Oct 22, 2018, 12:11 PM UTC.

To help test, please download from the releases pageĀ or use the button above, install/activate the plugin, and try testing any of the items listed below (or anything listed in the 4.1 release notes). Testing even just a few items is helpful. All testing is welcome!

  1. Move around in a long post or page using block navigation. (10545)
  2. Add a video background using the Cover block. Try different browsers. (10659)
  3. Add a table block and change the style variation to striped using the Settings > Block sidebar. (10428,Ā 10543)
  4. Use the Media & Text block to add side-by-side media and text. (9416)
  5. Resize things in theĀ Media & Text block in various ways.Ā Ā (9416)
  6. Accessibility: test the date picker. (7621)
  7. Accessibility: test the color picker using keyboard navigation. (10564)
  8. Check that each setting in More > Options works and persists when the page reloads. (10215)
  9. Add a list block and try pasting both single lines and multiple lines into it. (10614)
  10. Insert an image using a URL. (9264)
  11. Switch to an RTL language and try the LTR toggle button in the paragraph block. (10663)
  12. Add a quote block, convert it to a pullquote, convert it back to a quote. (10683)
  13. Add a quote block with a citation, convert it to a paragraph block, make sure the citation is still there. (10685)
  14. Embed some YouTube videos and make sure they look as expected in the editor and after publishing. (10411)
  15. Test the custom color picker for the button block on mobile. (10481)
  16. Test the responsiveness of the Columns blockā€”still designated beta but improvements have been made, try just a few columns for now. (10541)
  17. Enable or disableĀ Advanced PanelsĀ (AKA Meta Boxes) using More > Options. (10215)
  18. Bonus: test withĀ Advanced Custom Forms (ACF) and check that you can toggle the Custom Fields meta box on/off using the More > Options panel.Ā (10676)
  19. Bonus: test with Yoast SEO.
  20. There is more to test! See Whatā€™s new in Gutenberg? (19th Oct) and general needs-testing.

If you find a new bug, please file it in gutenberg on GitHub. Thank you!

Block developers: note theĀ deprecation in 4.1:Ā 'core/editor' ).checkTemplateValidityĀ has been removed. Please look ahead and keep an eye onĀ deprecations in 4.2 as well! There are several coming up as prep for merging with WordPress 5.0 is now underway.

Please join us in #core-test on WordPress Slack any time if you have questions about testing!

#4-1, #call-for-testing, #editor, #gutenberg