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Start a new Meetup
We'll help you find the right people to make it happen.
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Location Pin New York, NY

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  • We help the right members find you.

  • Time-saving features make it easy.

  • We’re always here to help you succeed.

  • It’s affordable.

Step 1 of 4
What's your new Meetup Group's hometown?
New York, NY
(change location)

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Step 2 of 4
What will your Meetup be about?

You must choose at least one topic.

You can only choose up to 15 topics.

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What will your Meetup be about? Select a topic to describe your meetup
List of topics to select
  • Show more
  • You can only choose up to 15 topics.

    Step 3 of 4
    What will your Meetup's name be?
    Describe who should join, and what your Meetup will do.
    Want some inspiration? Check out these examples.

    “This is a group for anyone interested in hiking, rock climbing, camping, kayaking, bouldering, etc. All skill levels are welcome. I started this group to meet other outdoor enthusiasts. Looking forward to exploring the outdoors with everybody.”

    “Calling all Chihuahua owners! I'd love for my Chihuahua Becky to meet other Chihuahuas and other small dogs! We'll meet once a week at the park to get together and let our dogs play. We can also meet at the Captain's Table down the street (they allow dogs on their patio!) for some food and drink afterward.”

    “Let's get together for affordable activities in our neighborhood, like going to storytime at the library, having picnics at McCarren Park, and play dates in our homes. We can also have events for just the ladies, like moms night-out, movies, dinner, and anything else that looks like fun.”

    • A good, detailed description helps attract the right members.
    • Most descriptions are at least a few sentences long.
    • You can update your Meetup's description at any time.

    What it means to be a Meetup

    Step 4 of 4
    What it means to be a Meetup
    • Real, in-person conversations
    • Open and honest intentions
    • Always safe and respectful
    • Put your members first

    We review all Meetups based on our Community Guidelines.

    Create your Meetup account
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    Your name is public. We'll use your email address to send you updates, and your location to find Meetups near you.

    When you "Continue", you agree to Meetup's Terms of Service. We will manage information about you as described in our Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy.

    By clicking "Continue", you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy.

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