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Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Flaneur: focus on probability (philosophy), probability (mathematics), probability (logic),probability (reallife), deadlifts, Phoenician wine, dead languages.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Firas Cheaib ७ ता
This is the thinnest building in Beirut, Al-Ba3sa aka "The Grudge". It's two feet wide at minimum and was built by one brother who wanted to obstruct another's view of the sea. Is there a place for building out of spite in the eternal way ?
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ५ ता
Re: Roger Scruton. Why I no longer do interviews with UK journalists. Nobody should.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Dinesh D'Souza १६ ता
Think of all the stuff we wouldn’t know without Assange. He was our media when we had no media to speak of. And we still don’t! Give the man a medal
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ७ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @Safaitic @pepsi
The Syriac is Pawlos & there was a Dawid Bar Pawlos in the 8-9 C. Boulos might be a recent Arabization, indicating people used the "p", no?
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ८ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @urcum62 @normonics
Only if without replacement
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ८ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @Safaitic @pepsi
Paulos/Pavlos ->Boulos in names so I wonder what "Paul" was. When did it enter? It had to be older. Shawul?
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ८ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @DavidRedelingh2
Multiple sources
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १० ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @kirbycosmosis @10warren10
Psychiatrist. And my friend.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ११ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @nntaleb
10) One can raise IQ points by 2 STF just by training, so it can't be genetic. PS- I've been getting 1000s of such messages since I've posted the IQ piece by Nordist supremacist trolls. Incidentally, my "co-ethnics" score high on the test.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ११ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @TMFStoffel @JeffBezos
Actually, they got together and agreed on a lot of things.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb ११ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @JohnDCook @normonics
John, he means the laws of middle numbers. Properties for n large but finite.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १२ ता
LOCALISM One person to a life partner:”I deal w/ mundane matters: where to live, what to eat, where to educate the children, etc. You focus on centrally important ones: geopolitical relations, tensions w/Russia, future of technology...” Let the State do the *important* things...
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
Damien Del Russo 🐉⚡ १४ ता
People need to stop with IQ - NNT has already very publicly shown why it should not be used.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १५ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @billy_jeb @tehgodwinslaw @zerohedge
Meds are White. White != Northern European
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @zerohedge
9) I am gently asking to retract that piece. Now.
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @nntaleb
6) Fail to get that growth is not driven by AVERAGE but by EXTREMES that depend on variance 7) Even if effect is as claimed, it is drowned into variance to make it usuable as immigration policy. 8) It is IMMORAL to emprison people in fake boxes!!! My PIECE
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @GarettJones
2) ALL of these studies fail to account for cultural aspects of testing. 3) Main researcher doesn't know what NOISE means. 4) Similar previous "research" did same for Irish, Southern Slavs, etc. who have now caught w/rest 5) A few data points can flip IQ/Performance!
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
WARNING: 1/n published a post on "country IQ" meant to justify that some races are "genetically inferior", hence bound to remain poor because of genetic defects. 1) The article was written by a charlatan, James Thompson using shoddy statistics (see my Medium piece)
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @mikeonhealth
Psychology CREATES suffering!
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Nassim Nicholas Taleb १६ ता
यांना प्रत्युत्तर देत आहे @StephanPeischl @academia
Can you generate a Multivariate Normal dist and try?
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