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Why industry super funds are demanding a seat at the table

In 2015, UniSuper chief investment officer John Pearce made a rare confession, taking an extraordinary public swipe at one of the country's biggest companies along the way. Pearce told members of the $70 billion industry superannuation fund that he regretted an overweight position in supermarket group Woolworths held by the in-house investment team. "Our position in Woolworths has, to date, been an unequivocal disappointment," Pearce wrote.

Woolworths shares had tumbled. But UniSuper could also see that management was running the business for short-term profitability. The company was becoming increasingly aggressive towards suppliers and staff, the selection in stores was narrowing and it was either increasing prices or charging the same price for a reduced quantity.

In addition, Woolworths was looking at overseas ventures that "seemed to have no relation to what they were doing", reflects Simon Hudson, who heads UniSuper's equities investment team.

Simon Hudson leads the equities investment team at UniSuper. "When I started in 2010, no companies came in and saw us. Now every single ASX 100 company comes through." Dominic Lorrimer

To top it off, the board was defensive. "They weren't open and transparent about what they were doing," says Hudson.

UniSuper wasn't going to hang about. The fund cut its position significantly.


Welcome to a world where industry super funds rule. UniSuper's Hudson and his counterparts at AustralianSuper, Cbus, Rest and IFM Investors are hardly household names, unlike star stockpickers such as Platinum Asset Management's Kerr Neilson and Magellan’s Hamish Douglass.

But perhaps they should be. Hudson, Shaun Manuell and Andrew Gray of AustralianSuper, Neil Carter and Aidan Puddy of IFM Investors, Kristian Fok and Brett Chatfield of Cbus, and George Zielinski of Rest between them own billions of dollars of shares in Australian companies – and will become increasingly responsible for the incomes of millions of Australian retirees.

Emerging power

It's hard to overrestimate the power that the not-for-profit industry super funds, with their strong allegiances to Labor and the union movement, have over Australian financial markets. Companies, in turn, will increasingly need to understand what their new masters expect of them in terms of their management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.

They should also be aware of the demands made on industry super funds by their members and unions. In February, for example, the Australian Council of Trade Unions asked 30 industry funds to use their leverage as shareholders to pressure BHP into guaranteeing the jobs of local seafarers.

Superior returns, thanks largely to unlisted infrastructure investments, have been the main driver of the funds' growth. Expansion is also occurring as savers dump scandal-plagued retail funds following the Hayne royal commission. Industry funds also benefit from their dominance in industrial awards, which means that the savings of millions of Australians who do not choose their own retirement schemes are automatically directed to the likes of AustralianSuper, Hostplus and Rest.

Indeed, industry super schemes are set to overtake self-managed funds to become the biggest segment inside Australia’s $2.7 trillion retirement savings sector. Actuary firm Rice Warner predicts the industry fund fraternity will control more than $1 trillion of assets in today's dollars) in 2024, up from $630 billion today.


By 2033, industry funds will have cornered 37 per cent of total super assets, worth $1.7 trillion in today's dollars. "There will probably be four or five funds of $300 billion in five to 10 years' time, and maybe those funds will reach $500 billion to $1 trillion in a decade," says the firm's CEO Michael Rice. "They will have enormous economic power."

This emerging influence is evident in the fact that companies are already engaging with industry super funds.

"When I started in 2010, no companies came in and saw us,"’ UniSuper's Hudson says. "Now every single ASX 100 company comes through."

Even former Rio Tinto chairman Jan du Plessis eventually came around. “We tried to engage with him and seven years after the fact, as he was about to retire, he came to see us.”

IFM global co-head of listed equities Aidan Puddy agrees. "We increasingly have chairs coming to see us, especially ahead of AGM season, to talk about the issues – particularly around voting, but also about how we're going with management, what we think of corporate strategy, what we think of the executive team," Puddy says. "That's a positive development we’ve seen over the past five years."

In-house investments

Inside the industry fund sector, another critical development is taking place. Rather than outsourcing investment management to independent, specialist asset managers, many of the biggest funds are increasingly taking investment management in-house.


AustralianSuper, the nation's largest super fund with $145 billion of assets, aims to manage half of its investments internally by 2021. Already 31 per cent of the portfolio is run in-house, with the biggest holdings being in equities, infrastructure and property.

"We’ve got $33 billion invested in the Australian stock market," senior portfolio manager Shaun Manuell says. "We think we're the largest single block of active capital controlled by a single entity in the market. As a result, we're often the largest institutional shareholder in most companies."

Last month AustralianSuper teamed up with private equity firm BGH to purchase education company Navitas in a $2.3 billion deal. AustralianSuper chairman Heather Ridout expects more private equity tie-ups.

UniSuper has $70 billion of assets in total, with $23 billion of the fund's $30 billion Australian shares portfolio managed by an internal team. At Cbus, about 35 to 40 per cent of its investments will be managed internally within three to five years.

Andrew Gray, left, and Shaun Manuell of AustralianSuper, the nation's largest super fund.  Josh Robenstone

Rest invests $950 million of its total assets of $53 billion directly into Australian shares. George Zielinski, chief investment officer of Rest's internal investment arm, says there is no target for in-house management, but he expects the desire to take advantage of economies of scale will drive that figure higher.

The switch to in-house management is partly aimed at reducing funds' overall costs, but it also gives the likes of UniSuper, AustralianSuper, Rest and Cbus far greater control over the companies in which they invest – and much of that focus will come down to environmental, social and governance considerations.


"ESG is so intrinsic to long-term value that the focus on it will only continue to increase," AustralianSuper's Andrew Gray says. “Whether that be climate change, diversity or workplace health and safety, board quality, executive remuneration – all these issues are integral to long-term value."

IFM Investors chairman Greg Combet says: "It’s inevitable that as funds respond to longer-term issues in the interests of their members, they are going to take a continuing interest in how the businesses in which they are investing are addressing ESG risks."

Environmental action

The "E" in ESG is chiefly about climate change. "It's a priority issue because it is endemic throughout the economy," says Gray. "As a universal owner – that is, we own the whole economy – there's nowhere for us to hide from climate change. Therefore, the only response we have is to manage it."

Gray is on the global steering committee of Climate Action 100+, a five-year initiative led by 320 global investors with a combined $US33 trillion ($46 trillion) in assets under management calling on companies to improve governance on climate change, curb emissions and strengthen climate-related financial disclosures.

The initiative will judge Australia's 12 biggest emitters – Rio Tinto, BHP, Adelaide Brighton, AGL Energy, Boral, Qantas Airways, Santos, South32, Woodside Petroleum, Woolworths, Bluescope Steel and Origin Energy – on their climate change preparedness.

"It's powerful because there are so many investors on board," says Gray. "It's also powerful because it is going to be measuring progress against some really clear objectives."

Aidan Puddy, left, and Neil Carter of IFM Investors.  Eamon Gallagher


Climate Action 100+ will produce benchmarking analysis for each of the target companies, which will measure how each is performing against three objectives: improved governance to manage climate change, emissions reductions in line with the Paris Agreement, and better disclosures about how the business will fare under a range of climate change scenarios. Each company will receive a score and detailed commentary on why they achieved the score.

Gray notes that a poor response to demands to curb emissions or strengthen climate-related financial disclosures could prevent the fund from investing in a company. For companies already in the portfolio, AustralianSuper will apply pressure. "We may also support climate change-related shareholder resolutions," he says.

Gray says companies have in the past sought to deflect questions about climate change with what he describes as a "divide and conquer strategy".

"If you were going to a company to engage them on a particular ESG issue, one of the ways they might respond is to say, 'We don't hear that very often' or 'Nobody else has asked us that'. With something like Climate Action 100+, they can't say that any more. It's 320 investors clearly saying they want a response."

The climate change initiative is already having an impact. Switzerland-based Glencore, one of the world's biggest miners, made the surprise decision to cap coal production after lobbying by Climate Action 100+. "As one of the world's largest diversified mining companies, we have a key role in enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy," the company said. Climate Action 100+ has also elicited commitments from Royal Dutch Shell Plc to halve its "net carbon footprint" by 2050. The goals will be tied to executive pay.

Gray's colleague Shaun Manuell says although the initial focus was on the top 100 emitters, a knock-on effect is anticipated. "If we get the top 100 companies showing what good disclosure and emission target setting looks like, that then sets an example that other companies can follow," he says. "We'd certainly be expecting a good trickle down. It would be pretty silly for companies not to play ball because the initiative will make clear which are lagging relative to others."

And forget about running a company for short-term profitability. "All companies can make the numbers work and prop up short-term profitability. That is not sustainable," says Hudson.

Social contract


The "S" (social) aspect of the ESG agenda is likely to be dominated by modern slavery and supply-chain issues.


Australia's modern slavery legislation came into effect on January 1. Organisations with consolidated revenue of $100 million will be required to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains, the action they have taken to assess and address those risks, and the effectiveness of their response. It is estimated that 3000 entities will be required to submit a "modern slavery statement" to the minister for home affairs.

The point is that, as with Climate Action 100+, reporting requires companies to think about their exposure to risks and provides tangible data against which to measure progress.

The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) comprises 39 Australian and international asset owners and institutional investors. It acts as a collective voice on environmental, social and governance issues. AustralianSuper, Cbus, UniSuper and IFM Investors do not always vote according to ACSI advice, but they are often on the same page. ACSI has identified the top industries susceptible to modern slavery as mining, construction, financial services, healthcare, and food, beverage and agriculture.

"Labour and human rights contraventions can materially impact upon companies’ reputations, disrupt operations, divert management and board resources, and potentially lead to long-running costly legal consequences," ACSI says. "Ultimately these impacts threaten shareholder value. Additionally, our member funds firmly believe that superannuants and retirees do not want to have their retirements savings invested in companies whose supply chains involve slave labour and/or worker exploitation either in Australia or overseas."

Meanwhile, Cbus has joined the Human Rights Working Group of the global Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI). The focus of the working group is to encourage the top 50 ASX companies to provide greater disclosure on social issues in their supply chains. Cbus became a signatory to the WDI in July 2018.

"The more transparent companies are, the more investors can assess how they are managing the 'social' component of ESG issues," Cbus' Brett Chatfield says. "This will enhance our understanding of potential modern slavery risks within the portfolio."


Governance focus

Attention in the "G" (governance) arena of ESG is on gender diversity, executive remuneration and board skills.

Industry funds and ACSI have led the push for gender diversity on boards. "In late 2016, we wrote to each of the ASX 200 companies that didn't have any women on their board and at that time there were 17 companies," AustralianSuper’s Gray says. "We notified those companies that unless they bring a woman on to their board, we'll vote against the next director up for re-election.

IFM Investors chairman Greg Combet predicts there will be more votes against remuneration reports as funds demand financial services companies sort themselves out post-Hayne. . Louie Douvis

"Now there are only two companies left on the ASX 200 [ARB and TPG] that have single-gender boards. It was a really good example of having a clear, tangible ask for companies and the ability to get change happening at companies for the better."

The fact that every equities manager put forward for this story was male is an irony not lost on AFR BOSS magazine.

Gray says parity on boards is the natural end point, although there are no immediate plans to insist on it. "It is a series of steps," he says. "In a purely philosophical sense, there’s no reason gender diversity ultimately couldn't be 50-50. It should mirror what's in the population. Getting those companies to move from single-gender boards is just the starting point. It's such a fundamental issue in terms of effective board operation. One of the key things we need happening on boards is diversity of thought and diversity of approach."

In the interim, this year AustralianSuper will target single-gender boards in the ASX 300, up from the ASX 200.


"You do have to be aware that it is harder for smaller companies to formulate boards and have access to directors," Gray says. "But the principle is still the same, irrespective of company size."

Then there is the thorny issue of board composition and executive remuneration.

In 2018 there were votes against the remuneration reports of NAB (88 per cent), Westpac (63 per cent), Telstra (62 per cent) and AMP (61 per cent). It was a demonstration that the funds wanted to act. Those four boards face second strikes and full board spills in 2019 if they can't persuade institutional shareholders that they've got their act together. IFM Investors' Greg Combet says there is more of this to come as funds demand financial services companies sort themselves out post-Hayne.

AustralianSuper's Gray says investors want to see remuneration that aligns with long-term business strategy and "is also in line with community expectations".

"The more transparent companies are, the more investors can assess how they are managing the 'social' component of ESG issues," says Brett Chatfield of Cbus.  Eamon Gallagher

NAB's 88 per cent rejection of its remuneration report – the highest on record – forced the bank to dump its revised pay structure for senior management and is an example of what happens when the board loses sight of long-term performance. "The reason that scored such an emphatic 'no' from shareholders was because the scheme they proposed lost long-term performance assessment," Gray says. "As a long-term investor, that's just not acceptable."

Gray predicts the trend towards collapsing long- and short-term incentives into a single payment will end. "It'd be a pretty brave ASX 200 board that went down this collapsed structure route going forward because the voting record on them is just so poor."

Cbus’ Fok says remuneration should be a reflection of how a company intends to deliver on its strategy to create shareholder value. “There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and structures should reflect the complexity and needs of the company to create long-term value.”


Adds George Zielinski of Rest: "We expect companies to set responsible remuneration structures that promote the right kinds of behaviour."

At least one large industry fund has cast doubt on whether the prudential regulator's proposal to reduce the importance of financial metrics in pay can work. "It's easier said than done," says the fund executive. "Conceptually it's fantastic but when you get into the detail, what is being measured and how is it being measured? I think boards have to make more qualitative decisions themselves."

Trickle-down effect

Cbus managers are planning to extend their application of ESG filters to small-cap companies. Stephen Croft, formerly of Antares Capital, will lead the initiative and says governance issues crop up a lot at the smaller end of the market.

"Governance issues tend to be more prevalent across the small companies' universe, but that does not mean they necessarily pose greater risks than social or environmental factors," he says. "The governance weaknesses aren't confined to any one area, but include factors such as poor board structures, lack of oversight of executive management power and misaligned incentives."

"We're not an activist shareholder per se, but we certainly try to work with companies to offer up areas where they can improve," he says. "We look for comprehensive explanations of financial data beyond the statutory accounts that enable us to more fully understand the financial and operational performance of a company. An example would involve information that makes it easier for investors to reconcile the cash flow statement to the P&L and movements in the balance sheet."

AustralianSuper chairman Heather Ridout rejects the notion that union trustees are conflicted. Graham Jepson

IFM Investors' Neil Carter says it's about evolution rather than revolution, particularly when it comes to smaller companies. "At the small and micro cap end you tend to find earlier stages of development," he says. "We will cut companies a bit of slack when they are very small and they don't have resources and P&L to fund a seven-person board of independent directors. But we expect them to evolve over time."


Engaging with stakeholders

UniSuper is putting pressure on companies to demonstrate their commitment to all stakeholders and the environment by producing sustainability reports, which give information about economic, environmental, social and governance performance, alongside the annual report.

"I think a lot of companies don't take sustainability reports seriously enough. They are becoming increasingly important and if done really well, they could be more important than the annual report," Hudson says. "A good sustainability report will give a far better insight into the company, what it is doing and how it is interacting with stakeholders."

Woolworths has started to pay attention to all of its stakeholder groups. It appointed a new chairman in Gordon Cairns and a new chief executive in Brad Banducci in quick succession at the end of 2015 and in early 2016. In Hudson's view, supply chain management, governance and stakeholder management all improved, giving UniSuper the confidence to increase its stake again.

Hudson notes supply chain management improved enormously, prices dropped, staffing improved and more control was given to store managers. Banducci also made it known that head office was to be seen as a support office rather than "Battlestar Galactica". And from a governance perspective, the board became far more transparent. "I have to rate Gordon Cairns and Brad Banducci," he says. "That was a rough journey."

Hudson says it is critical for companies to make greater efforts to explain the facts to various stakeholders and clear up any misconceptions.

"Sometimes the corporates are not great at coming forward and trying to rectify what they think is misinformation," he says. "With social media, there are a lot of assertions that companies are doing bad things when they are not.

"What we are encouraging corporates to do is to be on the front foot in addressing issues which they believe are incorrect. Often the companies will say the criticism doesn't even rate a response. We have seen it the most in the energy industry where there are a lot of aspersions that are not right."


"Divestment is our end point," says Kristian Fok of Cbus.  Supplied

Companies that fail to engage with all stakeholders can find themselves in the cold. In 2014, energy company AGL obtained approval to conduct fracking in the Gloucester area in NSW. A member of the UniSuper investment team went to investigate, and found the community up in arms.

"Clearly their handling of the community was appalling," recalls Hudson. "[AGL] thought: 'We've got the environmental compliance in place. This is an export industry. This is good for the economy.' But they were forgetting about a large part of their stakeholder base, the local community."

The result?

"We didn't own any [AGL shares], and we made sure we didn't own any," says Hudson.

Divestment threat

When it comes to enforcing ESG values, divestment is the biggest stick that super funds can yield.

Tobacco is the classic example, but by no means the only one. In 2015, HESTA sold out of detention centre operator Transfield Services (now Broadspectrum) after members objected to its running of refugee detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.


Some industry funds have been divesting from companies on environmental grounds. Last November, Vision Super announced it was exiting thermal coal and tar sands products after the board decided the "evidence is clear that the harm of a particular product cannot be reduced". Local Government Super in NSW will not "actively" invest in companies that derive more than one-third of their revenue from coal mining, oil tar sands and coal-fired electricity generation.

But among the larger super funds, complete exits are infrequent. Rather, funds seek to influence companies via engagement and voting at annual meetings.

"If working peoples' living standards are dropping, so too will their retirement savings," says ACTU president Michele O'Neil. Josh Robenstone

Cbus' Kristian Fok says its approach is engagement rather than divestment, although the latter is available as a last resort. The fund does not exclude companies based on their fossil fuel exposure, including coal.

"A key issue with complete divestment from coal- and carbon-asset exposed companies is it would rule out exposure to a number of large, diversified companies that may only have a small proportion of their overall business involved in fossil fuel-exposed activities, or which may be actively transitioning away from reliance on fossil fuels," Fok says. "Divestment also removes our key source of influence through engagement, which is only possible when you have a shareholding.

"Divestment is our end point," says Fok. "If through all our engagement and influence we don't get the outcomes we think are appropriate it's something we might do if appropriate, but certainly our starting point is always understanding the issues and engaging."

AustralianSuper’s Shaun Manuell takes a similar approach.

"The cost of leaving the register would be so great we would waste a lot of money. The best option is active management. If we see an issue we need to resolve it as best we can."


Union influence

Industry super funds have long come under pressure from unions and vocal members to invest in a certain way. Fund members are also becoming increasingly vocal.

"We will try to reconcile the concerns of our membership base with the corporate," says UniSuper's Hudson, "and we'll try to get independent bodies or parties to find out the truth."

Buoyed by the clean bill of health the sector was effectively given by the banking royal commission, the unions in particular are becoming increasingly strident and have made a string of controversial demands in public.

TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon speaks at a delivery drivers rally ahead of a Foodora creditors meeting in Sydney, Wednesday, August 29, 2018. (AAP Image/Joel Carrett) NO ARCHIVING . JOEL CARRETT

Industry fund leaders say they are lobbied by every interest group under the sun. That is true, but they don't have a seat at the boardroom table as unions do.

Under law, super funds must meet a so-called sole purpose test, which ensures the fund is there to provide benefits to its members on their retirement. Many member and union demands are stretching the boundaries of managing ESG risks.

Last October, former Transport Workers Union national secretary and soon-to-be senator Tony Sheldon called on industry fund trustees to refuse to invest in companies that work to aggressively lower wages bills, in part because poor pay now means less retirement income later. After writing to 30 super funds asking them to pressure BHP into guaranteeing the jobs of local seafarers, ACTU president Michele O'Neil said: "If working peoples' living standards are dropping, so too will their retirement savings."


Human rights management

Other cases are less clear cut. In October 2016, IFM Investors demanded improved human-rights management in the fresh food supply chain, particularly relating to labour-hire practices. Two of its primary targets were Australian supermarket chain owners Woolworths and Wesfarmers, then owner of Coles. It sought two specific actions: greater transparency in reporting, and industry-led prequalification for labour hire firms.

Woolworths has also been under pressure from another industry fund, LUCRF Super. Last year it co-sponsored an unsuccessful shareholder resolution that would require union involvement in worker education and grievance resolution in response to alleged abuses by labour hire firms in the fruit and vegetable supply chain.

In response to the ACTU demand, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg wrote to the prudential regulator to express alarm about the unions' attempt to exploit super funds' leverage as large investors. Frydenberg said the ACTU move was a "dangerous development" and warned that super was "not a plaything for union bosses nor a platform for pushing their industrial relations agenda".

AustralianSuper chairman Heather Ridout acknowledges the lobbying by the ACTU, but says the fund has a singular focus on returns. She also rejects the notion that union trustees are hopelessly conflicted.

Australian Industry Group chief Innes Willox, who sits on the board of AustralianSuper, has warned that the use of industry superannuation funds to fight wages battles could breach the sole purpose test to act in members' interests, an issue highlighted by the Hayne royal commission.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has also had to step in to slap down union bosses for seeking to use their influence on trustees.

A source from one large industry fund says: "We couldn't care less about BHP unless it was detrimental to the returns of the fund." The source notes that the board contains representatives from employer groups as well as unions, and there is a regulator to contend with. "We have no obligation to anyone other than [our] members. If we start to act irresponsibly, we will damage the share price."

IFM Investors' Neil Carter says: "We are looking to influence; we are not looking to dictate terms. We are not activist fund managers, but we do have a good level of scale so we have  a seat at the table to have that discussion. But we're not going to tell them how to run the company."

Joanna Mather writes about superannuation from our Sydney newsroom. Connect with Joanna on Twitter. Email Joanna at
Joanna Mather
Sally Patten is the editor of AFR BOSS Magazine. Based in Sydney, she specialising in leadership and management. Connect with Sally on Twitter. Email Sally at
Sally Patten

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