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Indonesia's Jokowi makes final push in re-election bid

Angus Grigg
Angus GriggNational Affairs Correspondent

Jakarta: In the final stages of a long campaign, Indonesian President Joko Widodo went to opposition territory on Wednesday night to deliver his message of better services, hope and religious tolerance.

At an indoor basketball stadium, the man known as Jokowi, offered Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Christian greetings to the crowd in a tone which was casual but pointed.

“This is a democracy party,” he told supporters in a lower middle class neighbourhood of East Jakarta which sided with the opposition in 2014.

“We are celebrating our democracy; it should be fun.”

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is making a final push ahead of Wednesday's election.  Alamy

He didn’t mention his opponent, the former General Prabowo Subianto, but the inference was clear: the President’s re-election campaign is built on hope not fear.


Unlike Mr Prabowo, who has railed against foreign investment and sought to divide the country by appealing to conservative Muslims, the President is pitching his campaign around Indonesia’s secular traditions.

“No election will divide us,” he said after calling out all the different ethnic groups in the crowd.

Flanked by posters proclaiming “Jokowi again” and after a pop band had warmed up the crowd, the President implored supporters to “go to the polls”.

In a country where voting is not compulsory and undecided voters are estimated to account for up to 20 per cent of the total,  Jokowi is making a final push towards polling day next Wednesday.

The election remains his to lose.

All the major polls have him winning around 55 per cent of the vote and securing a second and final five-year term.

But with the opposition campaign already saying they will challenge the legitimacy of the result, the President needs an emphatic victory to blunt any claims to his legitimacy.


“We need a minimum of 55 per cent in Jakarta,” he told the crowd.

Despite being a former Governor of Jakarta and earlier this month opening the city’s first subway line to universal applause, the capital is not his stronghold.

A Kompas survey published in late March found the President’s support in Jakarta had slipped below 50 per cent, after winning 53 per cent of the vote in 2014.

Jokowi is also weak in traditional Muslims areas in neighbouring West Java, but strong in Central and East Java and Bali.

A poll released this week by Indikator Suvei Indonesia found there was a slim, but not impossible, path to the Presidency for Mr Prabowo.

For victory on Wednesday, the former General would need to sweep up undecided voters, which in most polls are allocated evenly to both camps.

His campaign team also claim there will be a stronger turnout from those supporting the Prabowo ticket, which has not been captured by the pollsters.

To counter this, the President is making a final push around Jakarta as his campaign, which has lasted seven months, draws to a close on Sunday with a mass rally at the national stadium in Jakarta.

Angus Grigg is an investigative reporter based in Sydney. He has worked as a foreign correpondent in China and Indonesia, and has won two Walkley Awards. Connect with Angus on Twitter. Email Angus at
Angus Grigg

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