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Online or classroom MBA: which is best for you?

Colin HIggins and Patrick Butler

Is it better to study for an MBA online or face to face? Here, the directors of courses at Deakin and Monash universities set out the pros and cons of each approach.

Colin Higgins, Deakin Business School MBA director

What is the typical profile of a student studying an MBA online?

Online students tend to be older than the on-campus students: the average age of our online student is 38, and the average age of our on-campus student is about 30 to 32. The online students tend to have families, so the juggle of study, work, lifestyle and family commitments is greater.

Research shows that MBA students want to move up or out of the role they’re in. Adobe Stock

Their motivations don’t differ, but research shows they want to move up or out of the role they’re in. About 38 per cent of our online students are female, which is higher than the global norm of about 25 per cent.


There's a lot more consciousness in males about family responsibilities. They say: "No, I'm sorry – I need to be at home because it's my child's birthday," or "I can't come to a weekend class because I've made a commitment to my children that I will be at their sporting activities."

I think there's a shift in that spread of family responsibilities.

That shift drives more demand for the online rather than the on-campus offering because of that extra flexibility.

The analytics around the online program show that students mostly engage between 4am and 6am, and in the evening between 8pm and midnight.

What's the growth rate of the online course?

We're seeing a substantial decline in on-campus participation and much greater movement towards the online offering. Our program is not strictly online or on-campus. Students can move between the modes.

How do you foster interaction and relationships between students in an online environment?


We have a partnership with the Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML). All Deakin MBA students become a member of IML on enrolment, which means they can participate in networking opportunities in the broader management community.

Our online platform provides quite a degree of interactivity so the students participate in curated discussion exercises. Just because the program is online, it doesn't mean they're not working in groups. I have a very good example of how that works.

Colin Higgins, MBA director at Deakin Business School, says the desire for flexibility is driving demand for online courses.  Supplied

A student called me a year ago saying he wanted a particular document. I asked what he was doing and he said: "I'm actually working in London. You know that group assignment I did with you? I was working in a group with a guy based in London, a couple of students from Melbourne and someone in Brisbane. After the unit finished the group member from London gave me a call and said: 'Look I've never met you in person, but through our interactions I've seen how you work, I've seen how you treat people, I've seen how you think. And we've got this role that's opened up and we would love it if you would apply'."

So just because it's online doesn't mean we dial down any networking opportunities.

What's your view on having a set order in the way that MBA courses should be taught?

We are of the view that there is a core to an MBA program. Ours has 12 units; eight of them are required. We have a recommended sequence but it's not fully prescribed, largely because the students are working.

Deakin's online MBA students mostly engage between 4am and 6am, and in the evening between 8pm and midnight. iStockphoto


They must have three years of management and professional experience to get in, and they’ll have quite different experiences so they'll want to curate the program to fit their experience. There is no best sequence.

How do you facilitate close connections with business and industry?

This year we've appointed a suite of industry adjunct professors who come in and work with our teaching. They are working professionals: David Epstein is a public affairs expert and former chief of staff to Kevin Rudd; James Pearson is chief executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and Jo Fisher is an executive recruiter. They give case studies, examples and management challenges. We have a chief financial officer coming into our accounting unit saying: "OK, here's a situation we've had to face recently where we've had to chop 20 per cent off the bottom line. How would you do that?"

This year, with the Australian Industry Group, the economics unit is pulling apart the federal election and we’re pulling apart Trump's protectionism and trade.

James Pearson, chief executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is an industry adjunct professor who works with Deakin. Photo Bohdan Warchomij

What do your online students value most and what do they find most challenging?

They value the commitment we’ve made to technology, the industry connections through IML and the adjuncts. The industry adjunct professor sessions are live-streamed through an interactive platform where the students can be put into groups and can talk into their class sessions.

The most challenging is probably group work, because of the remote nature of a lot of our students and the fact they are so busy. I think they also find some of the quantitative aspects of the program challenging.


What do employers like best about the online program?

How responsive we are in terms of the delivery model, the appointment of adjuncts and our master classes on topical issues. We can bring things to the program much more quickly than a lot of universities. For example, we are running sessions on blockchain and design thinking.

Professor Patrick Butler, Monash MBA director

What is the profile of your student body?

We averaged 50 per cent women for the past three years. About a third of the class of 50 are international students; 21 from 17 countries, this year. We are big on experience: we require a minimum of three years, but the average is seven to eight years, and we seek people with a wide range of sectoral experience and professional backgrounds and qualifications.

We do lots of applied project work, so that diversity adds to the quality of the output and the peer-learning experience of the class.

Professor Patrick Butler, MBA director at Monash University. Supplied

What do the students want from a face-to-face MBA?


These are smart, experienced, ambitious young managers who are investing in their future. Monash MBA students have elected to do a highly applied program that features a suite of four consulting projects, rather than a more classroom-based, or case study-based, or online program. They want the right balance of knowledge and competencies.

In our view, an MBA should not be regarded as some kind of corporate training experience. Our program is intellectually and academically rigorous. The consulting projects provide the depth of experience and skill sets demanded of practising managers.

What does the typical learning experience look like for your students?

It's highly experiential, with an emphasis on peer learning. Two critical differentiators are our use of integrated subjects and applied projects. Module 1 has business models, strategy and marketing, and accounting as an integrated suite. In many classes, the three professors are in the classroom together working on live cases and facilitating presentations by leading business practitioners.

In Module 2, students study an integrated program involving design thinking, commercialisation of technology and business finance. This gives them a knowledge base to undertake the next project with a tech company seeking to commercialise its technology in the marketplace.

As for projects, the MBA is built around a suite of live consulting projects – one in each module. They are in four areas: business strategy in an Australian corporate; commercialisation of technology in a high-tech firm; entrepreneurship, where teams work with the founder of a start-up tech venture; and international business, where students work with an Australian firm seeking opportunities in China.

What are the benefits of an immersive campus experience?

The peer-learning experience in class is complemented by applied project work.  Louise Kennerley


A successful management career requires deep engagement with a wide variety of organisational players. While case studies can be an effective means of applying ideas, a practice-based program provides the most effective and successful model of learning. Interaction with other experienced managers on the program and with project sponsors provides the right training ground for more strategic and consequential work.

Whats your view on having a set order in the way that MBA courses should be taught?​

Our MBA program is based on four key learning platforms that inform all content.

1) Focus on next-generation problems: an emphasis on new thinking and new business models for the next generation of successful enterprises and executives. The program features technology development, design thinking, entrepreneurship and creativity.

2) The MBA of management practice: the hallmark of a successful executive is the proven ability to strategise and execute. Practice-based models should supplant case-based and classroom-based learning models.

3) Global orientation and international experience: the MBA community of students, professors and business partners comprises people from varied nationalities and cultures. The program involves international projects and study in overseas markets.

4) Leadership and personal development: development of critical executive capabilities and personal style. The leadership program is integrated into all modules and the career advancement program runs throughout the MBA.

What do your students say they value most from your program, and what do they find most challenging?


The Monash MBA program features technology development, design thinking, entrepreneurship and creativity.  

Students find the practice-based model challenging and rewarding. We need to stretch the students in terms of their work for our business partners and ensure they deliver high-level, professional consulting findings and reports on complex business problems. But we also need to support that work. Accordingly, students have weekly progress meetings and reviews with a team of professors of practice who are experienced management consultants and coaches.

One thing the students really value is the career opportunities that arise from such a program experience. Nine of the MBA classes of the past two years have achieved new positions in the major consulting houses – EY, KPMG, PwC/Strategy& and AT Kearney. Other students have recently been recruited into management roles at Google, Transurban, BP and Linfox.

What do employers like best about your program?

The intellectual maturity and practice competencies of our graduates. Once a manager has several years of experience, they should be in a position to take on responsibility for both internal and client-focused projects. Employers report that our approach in providing opportunities to tackle real and difficult client problems provides them with that extra confidence and authority.

As a manager matures, they should be working on increasingly complex and strategic projects; developing a reputation for this kind of work is precisely what senior executives seek as they recruit and promote talent.

Being able to manage project outcomes and client relationships is the kind of skill set employers seek at this level.

Colin Higgins and Patrick Butler spoke to Sally Patten.


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