dan hancox


The Village Against The World (Verso): . Politics, music, protest, history, Spain, gentrification for Guardian, LRB, Newsweek, NS, VICE

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  1. the Spanish people there, being an inspiration to us all, as usual

  2. Thanks to the friends telling me John Humphries impersonated a grime MC on Today this morning. I cannot

  3. And I think until he can prove that he *wasn't* responsible for the NSDAP newspaper, talks of a Labour leadership bid should be put on hold

  4. Long bus trip in the backstreets of Gospel Oak has also answered q of why I find Keir Starmer unsettling: name is sort of like Der Sturmer!

  5. How is it over 60 mins from Hampstead to Tottenham? (Quietly pleased that getting from one side of north to the other is as bad as in south)

  6. Haven't seen pics like that of Valdeluz before, stunning -- Valdeluz was subject of my cover, here:

  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
  8. Podcasts now up from the January seminar we did on Podemos, the indignados, democracy etc; a really great event!

  9. (e)k Bertxiotua

    page after page of pictures of him. Captions written for free on spec by ppl wanting to get a break in journalism

  10. Maybe the twat can write the whole thing himself, I bet he'd like that. Solidarity with Indy staff

  11. (e)k Bertxiotua

    This is just brilliant. It's a modern marxist's wet dream of an origin story for the Clintons, too perfect.

  12. It is making me feel bad about having two indoor cats though, I worry they should be out hunting and prowling and glaring at things

  13. It's so good

  14. I'm watching a Horizon doc (on YT) where they put GPS trackers and cameras on 50 cats in a small village to see what they get up to

  15. Here is the audio from the excellent Podemos and radical democracy seminar at QMUL (I'm on podcast 2)

  16. Like if you were writing a history of the year 2000 in pop culture (I'm not), what the hell would you make of that?

  17. Meanwhile the 2001 Best British Group noms were All Saints, Coldplay, Moloko, Radiohead, Toploader

  18. Man, 2000 was a weird time for music - 2001 Brit nominations, look at all these UKG er, gs

  19. (e)k Bertxiotua

    If you're in London on Saturday and are worried about the privatisation of public space then join this intervention:

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