Order of Perpetual Indulgence - Sydney House
Founded 1981

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Zoo Walk
Taronga Zoo
Thursday 28th February 2019

Today was the 26th annual Zoo Walk hosted by the Sisters of the Order of Perpetual Indulgence at Taronga Zoo.

Sisters in attendance were: Mother Premonstratensia, Sister Salome of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley, Sister Mary-Go-Round and Sister Catheter of the Immaculate Ejaculate.

Gathered inside the old main entrance, we were all met by the wonderful zoo staff and volunteers where introductions were made and the gathered faithful were given a rundown of the morning’s activities.  This was followed with an opportunity for an up and close encounter with some of the zoo’s inhabitants including an echidna, a turtle and a python.

The gathered faithful, were 38 in number this year and included visitors from Puerto Rico, Germany, USA, India, England and of course many from around Australia.

We were then led by zoo staff and volunteers on a walk around the Australian animal enclosures with much information being shared.  Poems and recipes which included some of the animals visited were read aloud by the Sisters. Kangaroo Tail Soup is of course always a delight.

As is usual the last event of the morning was the famous Taronga Zoo Bird Show, which never gets old and is always a definite highlight for many.

The Sisters then ended the official tour and invited anyone who wished to join them for lunch at the zoo. Many took up this offer and we had a wonderful lunch chatting about anything and everything and generally solving the world’s problems. Thus ending the morning’s activities and Zoo Walk for another year.

Please click on thumbnails to view larger image slideshow

Photos courtesy of Cotton W & Sister CatheterPlease click on thumbnails to view larger image slideshow

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This website is fondly dedicated to the memory of Sister Carmen Get It - (15/4/1959 - 5/5/2006)
and to all those Sisters of the Sydney House who have passed on.
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© Order of Perpetual Indulgence, Sydney House - Last Modified 28th February 2019