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Questions at Work

I'm a Casual Worker But I Want to Be Made Permanent

Erinna asks:

I’ve been a casual here for nearly 3 years. Last year I asked my manager if I could be made permanent  They said they’d think about it but although I’ve asked a couple of times since I haven’t heard anything back. I don’t understand why not as I work pretty much the same shifts every week. It’s really important to me as my partner and I are saving for a house deposit and I probably won’t get a loan if I’m casual. Is there anything I can do?

Can Our Boss Charge Us For Breakages

R asks:

There was a thing on the noticeboard at work from the owner saying that those of us who worked last Saturday night would have our pay docked as a tray of glasses was dropped when someone slipped loading the glass washer and everything got broken. The notice said that to be fair they would divide the cost of replacing the glasses between us so one person wouldn’t have to pay for the whole lot. Can they do this? It was a busy night accident and it just doesn’t seem fair.

How Do I Make My Workplace Safe?

Francesca asks:

One of my finds sliced open his hand at work over the weekend. He said the guard on the slicer was  half falling off. This made me think as I work in a restaurant kitchen which I know can be a bit dangerous sometimes; how can we make sure our workplace is safe?

Member Benefits News

Member Benefits Update April 2019

In the April edition of your Member Benefits Update we look at a phenomenom known as 'bank-xiety' and what you can do to alleviate it, there's an update on the 2019 Federal Budget, we have some great union member deals on Health Insurance and movie tickets, find out how you can volunteer for our Change the Rules events, you can join our FREE footy tipping competitions plus there is a $100 WISH gift card to be won!

IFS Royal Commission update

In the wake of the Financial Services Royal Commission, there’s been wide focus on the professional conduct and standards of financial planners and the organisations they represent.