Podcast: Patrick McCann, “I really realized the United States was a criminal enterprise”

“… and they asked my friend and I did we want to go to Chicago the next day for a Black Panther rally. That was the night I became a revolutionary.”

Podcast: Gene Marx, “Sir: We’re not the good guys”

“You know what Commander, I’m not going to be doing that … I don’t know if you’ve noticed it over here, but we’re not the good guys,” declared Lt. Gene Marx to his XO in Vietnam.

Podcast: Paul Cox, Vietnam grunt to underground GI paper publisher

“There was a lot of guilt that I didn’t have the courage to stand up on the day that we killed those people,” explains Paul Cox.

Podcast: Randy Rowland faced death for protesting the war in Vietnam

“It wasn’t like I planned to be a resister or a troublemaker or anything of the sort,” explains Randy Rowland, an organizer of the “Presidio 27 Mutiny.”

Free Chelsea Manning (again)!

Jailed for refusing to collaborate with the WikiLeaks grand jury, Chelsea declared “I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury.”

Share your story of military resistance!

We’re seeking individuals who took a stand of some kind against war in general, or a specific war, while in uniform, or who refused to be drafted.

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!

Now that a federal court has ruled unconstitutional the current men-only draft, the system will either have to expanded to women or ended for all.

Court declares military draft registration unconstitutional

By Edward Hasbrouck. How did this happen? What did the Court say? What does this decision mean? What will/should happen next?

“A modern-day draft, if marketed carefully and cleverly”

Updates on the national military service commission by Edward Hasbrouck. Selective Service System messaging uncovered by FOIA request.

Resist the US-backed coup in Venezuela

Veterans call for resistance: DC march on March 30th and other events.

Podcast: Patrick McCann, “I really realized the United States was a criminal enterprise”

Podcast: Patrick McCann, “I really realized the United States was a criminal enterprise”

"... and they asked my friend and I did we want to go to Chicago the next day for a Black Panther rally. That was the night I became a ... read more

Podcast: Gene Marx, “Sir: We’re not the good guys”

Podcast: Gene Marx, “Sir: We’re not the good guys”

"You know what Commander, I'm not going to be doing that ... I don't know if you've noticed it over here, but we're not the good guys," read more

Podcast: Paul Cox, Vietnam grunt to underground GI paper publisher

Podcast: Paul Cox, Vietnam grunt to underground GI paper publisher

"There was a lot of guilt that I didn't have the courage to stand up on the day that we killed those people," explains Paul Cox. read more

Watch this short video “before you enlist!”

Watch this short video “before you enlist!”

“Before You Enlist!” (2018), a short video that provides a rational voice to counter often deceptive US military recruiting practices. read more

Podcast: Randy Rowland faced death for protesting the war in Vietnam

Podcast: Randy Rowland faced death for protesting the war in Vietnam

"It wasn't like I planned to be a resister or a troublemaker or anything of the sort," explains Randy Rowland, an organizer of the ... read more

Free Chelsea Manning (again)!

Free Chelsea Manning (again)!

Jailed for refusing to collaborate with the WikiLeaks grand jury, Chelsea declared “I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury." read more

Share your story of military resistance!

Share your story of military resistance!

We’re seeking individuals who took a stand of some kind against war in general, or a specific war, while in uniform, or who refused to ... read more

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!

Sign the Petition: End Draft Registration Once and for ALL!

Now that a federal court has ruled unconstitutional the current men-only draft, the system will either have to expanded to women or ... read more

s brian willson“In a society like the US where virtually every foreign intervention, everywhere, is grotesquely illegal and criminal, the most effective resistance is from the soldiers themselves…”

-S Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran & Peace Activist

Supporting the Troops Who Refuse to Fight

We’re a group of concerned community members, veterans and military families who support military objectors to illegal war and occupation and the policies of empire. Our People Power strategy weakens the pillars that maintain war and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere by supporting GI resistance, counter-recruitment and draft resistance, which cuts off the supply of troops. We are autonomous from and independent of any political organization or party.

Our most recent PDF newsletter

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“Courage to Resist is an amazing organization that has really helped my wife and I in our time of need.”

Ryan Johnson, Iraq War resister imprisoned 2016-2017

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The Slavery Commission

By Laurence Vance. Although the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, it does not apply to the US government regarding conscription.

January 2019 Newsletter

PDF updates: Illegal orders at the border, Resistance through dance, Deployed to the border: A test of conscience, The Objector Church.

The Slavery Commission

By Laurence Vance. Although the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, it does not apply to the US government regarding conscription.

January 2019 Newsletter

PDF updates: Illegal orders at the border, Resistance through dance, Deployed to the border: A test of conscience, The Objector Church.


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