Friends of the Earth (FoE) Melbourne  is a non-for profit organisation working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. The international Friends of the Earth network is  active in 77 countries with over 2 million members. Read more.


MEDIA RELEASE - 05.04.2019: West Vic Wind and Battery Hub Could Aid Climate Fight

Environment group Friends of the Earth have welcomed news of a large-scale wind and battery hub proposed for a timber plantation in Western Victoria, saying it could be a key plank of Victoria's efforts on climate change.

“After a confronting summer in which the community has witnessed serious climate impacts including drought, bushfires and flood, the need to transition away from coal and gas is urgent” said Friends of the Earth's renewable energy spokesperson Pat Simons.

If the Kentbruck Greenpower Hub gets the green light, the wind and battery storage project could be one of the largest in the country, with a generation capacity totaling 900 megawatts, helping to firm up the power grid while cutting pollution.

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Landmark Star of the South offshore wind farm gets first tick from Feds

MEDIA RELEASE: 29 March 2019

After months of delay by the federal Coalition, Australia’s first major offshore wind farm, the Star of the South Energy Project proposed off the South Gippsland coast, has received approval for an exploration licence.

Environment Group Friends of the Earth welcome news that Minister for Energy Angus Taylor has signed off on the initial exploration license for Star of the South after months of delaying a decision.

“The Star of the South offshore wind farm will be a game changer for action on climate change and Australia’s energy system,” said Pat Simons, Friends of the Earth’s renewable energy spokesperson.

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Climate action gains traction with new wind farm proposed for Latrobe Valley

MEDIA RELEASE: 28 March 2019

Climate action gains traction with new wind farm proposed for Latrobe Valley

Environment group Friends of the Earth Melbourne are pleased to see an new wind farm proposed for the Latrobe Valley and say the project shows state efforts to tackle climate change are gaining momentum.

The group that led the community campaign for a Victorian Renewable Energy Target says the Delburn Wind Farm is a sign the state’s energy sector is in transition.

“Victoria’s energy system is shifting from polluting fossil fuels towards clean renewable energy and it’s good news for efforts to tackle climate change,” said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth’s climate spokesperson.

According to proponent OSMI, the Delburn Wind Farm would generate enough electricity to power 200,000 homes, cut Victoria’s carbon emissions by 980,000 tonnes of carbon per annum, and operate for 25 years.

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Response to independent review of logging regulation GECO / TWS / FoE

The Wilderness Society and Goongerah Environment Centre and Friends of the Earth

Independent Review of Timber Harvesting Regulation ​joint ​​response 

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Review of Victoria’s North and Murray Water Resource Plan

Submission by Friends of the Earth Melbourne March 2019


As a collective that is concerned with water management in Victoria and across the Murray Darling Basin, Friends of the Earth Melbourne welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Draft North and Murray Water Resource Plan.

Friends of the Earth's River Country has campaigned for 18 years with Indigenous nations along the Murray River to protect over 250,000 hectares of Red Gum Forests in new national parks and conservation reserves. Our mission is to see a flourishing Murray-Darling Basin where Indigenous peoples enjoy sovereign rights to country.

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Friends of the Earth statement of support for Djap Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy

Friends of the Earth is calling on the Victorian State Government to stop works immediately on the Western Highway expansion project, that if progressed will cause irreparable damage to aboriginal cultural sites.

Traditional Custodians have been camped at the Djap Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy for many, many months; calling on the Victorian State Government to reconsider the proposed route. 

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March News

Djap Wurrung Embassy Update

On Tuesday, Victoria Police were at the Djap Wurrung Embassy threatening Traditional Custodians and supporters with removal and arrest. They shut down the roads leading to the embassy, and are attempted to begin work on the Western Highway expansion that threatens land of cultural significance, including over 260 sacred trees.

Donate to the embassy here

Thanks to a strong community response, an injunction is now in place until Monday 25th March; the camp is still calling for immediate support on the ground, but for those unable to be there, it is imperative that we make our voices heard where it counts.

Join us in calling on Premier Daniel Andrews, Minister for Major Projects Jacinta Allan, Planning Minister Richard Wynne, and Minister for Roads Jaala Pulford, to immediately stop work on the expansion and call off the Victoria Police.

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Press Release: Victorians to dump recycling on parliament

recycling_to_parliament.jpgOn Tuesday 19 March at 8:30 am, hundreds of Victorians will gather at the steps of state parliament to say “if you send our recycling to landfill, we will bring it to you.” Community members will put their weekly recycling on the steps of parliament to highlight government inaction on the issue and demand change.

High-quality photos of the action for use are AVAILABLE HERE, credit Julian Meehan

In recent weeks, the cracks in the Australian recycling system have been exposed.  China ceased taking our recycling in July 2018, resulting in a major loss of market.  Without markets to sell to, recycling companies are stockpiling, leading to dangerous conditions and possible fire hazards.  Two major recycling locations were closed by the EPA on 21 February, and a third closed voluntarily shortly after, resulting in 27 councils around Melbourne sending recycling to landfill.  Short term solutions have been found for some of these councils, but several are still having to resort to binning our recycling.

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Update on FoE's Radical Renovation

Its been a busy few weeks with work continuing on our meeting room makeover! The floors are sanded, the walls are painted, whiteboards are up and, and the meeting table moved back in.

Thanks to all the amazing folks who have given their time to make this project happen. Special mention to Andy and Dan who've spent many hours on the kitchen so far!

Chip in to the Radical Reno today and receive some great perks!


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