• Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

    Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain Moved Back to OSP Youngstown

    A few supporters were able to get over to Youngstown and in to visit Sean in mid February. Sean seems in good spirits and in good health.

  • Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

    Germany: Hambach Forest Skillshare Camp, April 12-24

    The wide scope of the Skillshares, and it now being a 5 year tradition, is symbolic of Hambacher Forest having become a community of resistance and a testing ground of Utopia and alternatives to capitalism.

  • Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

    Spain: Eco-Activists Sentenced

    On May 24th, two comrades involved in this project got arrested while the police was trying to remove banners and camping material from the occupation.


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