[minnesotapeaceaction] Feb 4 Iran protest

12 02-04-12 Iran

Feb 4, 3 pm
Mayday Plaza
3rd Street and Cedar Ave So on the West Bank, Minneapolis
Indoor public forum will follow protest


NO Intervention
NO Sanctions
NO Assassinations NO covert war
NO New Wars: HANDS OFF Iran and Syria

There is a growing danger of yet another U.S. war; this time on Iran. There is already a covert war on Iran underway, including assassinations of Iranian scientists and escalating economic sanctions. This is all accompanied by growing talk of Iranian “nuclear weapons,” and concern for “human rights” in Iran.

The history of Iraq shows that when the U.S. government starts talking about “nuclear weapons,” “weapons of mass destruction,” and “human rights,” the bombs and cruise missiles may start to fly at any time. February 4, 2012 will be a national day of local anti-war actions to say “No War on Iran!”

No War On Iran: National Day of Action February 4, 2012
Twin Cities event initiated by: Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. Initial endorsements: Anti-War Committee, Military Families Speak Out, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Students for a Democratic Society (U of M), Women Against Military Madness and others.

For more information 612 522-1861 or 612 827-5364


[minnesotapeaceaction] MPAC meeting – Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition will meet:
Saturday, January 7, 2012
2:30 PM
Mayday Books
301 Cedar Ave. South
Agenda items will include: News updates, evaluation of December 17 event, Iraq forum, emergency response, spring dates (to include update on Chicago NATO/G8 protests), NATO forum and additional items. 


[minnesotapeaceaction] MPAC meeting Saturday, Nov. 12 at 2:30 PM – followed at 4:00 PM by G-8 forum

The MPAC coalition will be meet:

Saturday, November 12
2:30 PM
Mayday Bookstore
301 Cedar Ave. South

Agenda items will include: News updates, update on G-8 protest plans, update on FBI campaign, Dec.3: Somalia forum, Dec.10: Human Rights Day event sponsored by AWC, Dec.17 event, Dec. Candlelight vigil (TCPC) and other items.

At 4:00 the forum on the role of the G-8 will be held at Mayday. For info. on the forum see the announcement at http://www.antiwarcommittee.org

[minnesotapeaceaction] Time Change for Saturday, October 29 MPAC Meeting 1:30 PM is New Start time

The time for the The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition meeting this Saturday has been changed to 1:30 PM as a result of many members wanting to join the Occupy Minnesota protest set for that morning. Details on the Occupy Minnesota event are below following the MPAC agenda information.

MPAC meeting
Saturday, October 29
1:30 PM
Mayday Bookstore
301 Cedar Ave. South

Agenda items will include: News updates, October 15 evaluation, Chicago G-8/NATO protests, Mayday forum on G-8, emergency response, FBI/Grand Jury update, other endorsement requests, and listserve update.

The Occupy Minnesota event details are:

Saturday, October 29th @ 11am @ People’s Plaza / Hennepin County Government Center, Minneapolis
Say No to Corporate Greed! Protest and March on Anniversary of Stockmarket Crash and start of Great Depression
Join OccupyMN in a Protest and March on the Banks on Anniversary of the 1929 Stockmarket Crash. Join student, labor, poor people, anti-war, immigrant rights and other contingents to highlight how corporate greed is killing people, jobs, education, the economy, and the environment! Gather at 10am before the protest to make signs and banners and props for the march. Organized by OccupyMN.

Sign making – Wednesday, October 5 2011@ 5:00 PM

There will be a work session to make signs:

Wednesday, October 5
5:00 PM
Mayday Bookstore
301 Cedar Ave. South

This will involve adding staples and tape to printed signs.

We expect the session will last between 90 minutes and two hours.

These signs will be used at upcoming anti-war protests, October 7 and 15.

MPAC meeting: Saturday, October 1 at 11:00 AM

The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition will meet:

Saturday, October 1
11:00 AM
Mayday Books
301 Cedar Ave. South

There will be joint meeting of the outreach/program committees at
10:15 AM, also at Mayday.

The main agenda items will be planning for the October 15 event.

October 7th announcement

Below is the announcement for the October 7th bannering to mark 10 years of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

To invite people there is a Facebook event page at:


Attached is a pdf file of the leaflet for printing and a jpg file for web use.

Not One More Year – Not One More Death – Not One More Dollar

End the U.S. War in Afghanistan
Bring the Troops Home Now

Friday, October 7, 2011 4:30 – 5:30 PM
On the sidewalks near the Walker Art Center along
Hennepin/Lyndale Ave. at Vineland & Oak Grove, Minneapolis

Make an anti-war statement. Carry a sign or a banner.

Friday, October 7 marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Washington claims “improved security” and a U.S. troop “drawdown.” But the war continues.

This gruesome war grows more deadly:
• Double-leg amputations along with genital injuries are the “signature wound” of the Afghanistan war. [Washington Post, March 4]

• August 2011 was the most deadly month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
In the first six months of this year:

• Deaths of Afghan civilian are up 15% from the same period in 2010.

• Hundreds of thousands of Afghans have been wounded and displaced.

• Tens of thousands of Afghans have been killed.

In the U.S.:

• Health, education and other much needed programs are being cut or ended.

• The war in Afghanistan sucks up $330 million per day – every day!

Protests, rallies, and other events across the U.S. will call for an end to this 10-year war in Afghanistan. Bring the troops home now.

Initiated by: Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
For more information 612-522-1861 or 612-827-5364

October Anti-War Events

Saturday, September 24, 1 pm
Stand Up and Speak Out: Mark the One Year Anniversary of FBI Raids on Local Peace Activists!
Gather at 1 pm, at 2911 Park Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN, one of the homes raided by the FBI in September 2009. March to Walker Church. End the Grand Jury! End the Repression of Anti-War Activists! Return their Property Now! Organized by the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression FFI: http://mnstopfbi.

Monday, October 3, 7 pm
Macalester Plymouth United Church1658 Lincoln Avenue, Saint Paul.
Afghanistan and the Arab Spring:A Public Talk by Kathy Kelly
Kathy will draw on her experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan to discuss the wave of uprisings in the Middle East. Sponsored by: Macalester Plymouth United Church, Twin Cities Peace Campaign and Women Against Military Madness.

Friday, October 7, 4:30 pm
Hennepin/Lyndale Ave. at Vineland & Oak Grove, Minneapolis.
Anti-War Protest And Vigil
Ten years to the day that the U.S. launched the war in Afghanistan, join an anti-war protest and vigil from 4:30 to 5:30 pm on the sidewalks near the Walker Art Center, Hennepin/Lyndale Ave. at Vineland & Oak Grove. Be part of a visible anti-war statement: Not One More Year – Not One More Dollar – Not One More Death – End the U.S. war in Afghanistan! Initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition.

Wednesday, October 12, 5 pm
Lake Street/Marshal Ave. Bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis & St. Paul.
Weekly Wednesday Peace Vigil
Join the weekly Wednesday Peace Vigil to mark the ten years of the U.S. war in Afghanistan with a call for an end to the war. Lake Street/Marshal Ave. Bridge over the Mississippi River. Sponsored by Twin Cities Peace Campaign and Women Against Military Madness. For more info: 612-522-1861 or 612-827-5364.

Saturday, October 15, 1:30 pm
Lake Street & Hiawatha Ave., Minneapolis.
National day of local anti-war actions. Time To Leave: Get Out Of Afghanistan!
In Minneapolis: Bring All the Troops and War Dollars Home Now! 1:30 pm Gather at Lake Street & Hiawatha Ave. Minneapolis (On the sidewalk on Lake Street from Hiawatha to 22nd Ave. South). 2 pm March (Closing rally location to be announced.) Anti-war protests and protests against austerity budgets and cuts to social services are planned in cities around the world the weekend of October 15/16.
The October 15 protest in Minneapolis was initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. Endorsed by: Alliant Action, Anti-War Committee, Burnsville & Eagan Peace Vigil, Climate Crisis Coalition of the Twin Cities, Come Home America – Minnesota Branch, Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Communities United Against Police Brutality, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Public Education Justice Alliance of Mn, Mayday Bookstore, Military Families Speak Out, Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel, Northfield People for Peace and Goodwill (PPG), ST. Joan of Arc WAMM Peacemakers, St. Paul Eastside Neighbors for Peace, Socialist Action, Socialist Alternative, SDS – U of M, Twin Cities Peace Campaign, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 27, Welfare Rights Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Women’s Student Activist Collective, Workers International League. For more info: 612-827-5364 or 612-522-1861.

Regional and national anti-war events

Thursday, October 6 – Washington, D.C.
A Call to Action
A coalition of organizations, including Veterans for Peace, ANSWER Coalition and many others have called for an ongoing protest in Washington, D.C. Rallies, concerts, and civil resistance actions against the war to begin on Thursday, October 6. For possible transportation from the Twin Cities call Ross or Colleen at 952-465-2866. http://www.october2011.org.

Saturday, October 8, Noon – Chicago, IL
Midwest Regional March for Peace and Justice – U.S./NATO Out of Afghanistan!
At 12 noon gather at the busiest intersection in Chicago (Michigan Avenue & Congress Parkway), followed by a 1 pm permitted march through downtown Chicago. Organize your friends, family and co-workers to car pool and get to Chicago for this important regional protest. Sponsored by the Mid-West Regional Anti-War Mobilization. http://www.chicagomassaction.org.

MPAC Meeting SUNDAY, September 18 1:00 PM

The Minnesota Peace Action Coalition will meet:

Sunday, September 18
1:00 PM
Mayday Books
301 Cedar Ave. South

There will be a joint meeting of the October 15 outreach and program committees at 12:15.

Agenda items for the 1:00 PM meeting will center around the October 15 protest as well as the October 7 anti-war bannering.

NOTE: We moved the meeting to Sunday to avoid the Saturday Gopher football game crowds.

Antiwar Bannering & Vigil Saturday Dec. 18, 2pm at Walker Library

Bannering & Vigil
Saturday December 18, 2010 2:00 pm
Library Plaza, Hennepin & Lagoon, Minneapolis

Anti-war holiday carol singing led by The Counter-Propaganda Singers.

Special solidarity statement against FBI harassment of anti-war activists.

In December the Obama Administration will conduct a review of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. This follows the announcement at the November NATO conference that the war will continue for perhaps years to come.

Over the past year, the U.S. war in Afghanistan has dramatically escalated, with huge increases in civilian and military casualties. The U.S. is now deploying battle tanks to Afghanistan. The war is also expanding into Pakistan.

It is estimated that the escalation of this war costs $57,077 per minute. At the same time, millions of people in the U.S. are facing unemployment, the loss of their homes to foreclosure and drastic cuts in needed human services.

The majority of the people of the U.S. are against the war. It is up to us, the people, to insist that this war end and that the troops and war dollars be brought home NOW.

Join with others in Minneapolis on Saturday, December 18, to say: End the War in Afghanistan! The December 18 event will be a visible display of peace and anti-war sentiment with signs, banners and anti-war holiday carols.

December 18 Peace Action. Initiated by Iraq Peace Action Coalition for more information, call 612-522-1861 or 612-827-5364.