Facebook para Empresas
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Facebook Blueprint: certificaç?o e cursos online gratuitos

Todos os cursos

Ver todos os cursos online do Facebook criados para o eLearning do Blueprint.

O que você deseja aprender?

Consulte os cursos e webinars sobre os assuntos mais relevantes para você e sua empresa.

Achieving Scale with the Reach Objective

The Reach objective can help maximize the number of people who see your ad over your campaign's lifetime, driving audience impact at scale. Learn the why, when and how of using this objective.

Ad Auction and Delivery Overview

Ads in Stories

Engage existing and potential customers with immersive, fullscreen ads that bring your business to life. This lesson walks you through how to create and deliver ads that can run in stories on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

Advanced Creative Techniques for Mobile

Advertise on Marketplace

Advertiser Controls

This lesson shows you how to use Facebook's advertiser tools to help control what content your ads appear next to or within.

An Introduction to Split Testing

Audience Insights

Audience Network Native Ads Benefits

Audience Network Native Ads Layouts

Best Practice Tips for Your Creative

In this lesson, we'll walk through some best practices when it comes to creative, and ways to grab your audience's attention.

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Facebook para Empresas