Showing posts with label jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jews. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Making Resistance to Antisemitism Part of All of Our Movements: The Past Didn't Go Anywhere

Another notice i'm passing along. The pamphlet in question, a very accessible look at antisemitism and the radical left, is going to be one of the new titles in the upcoming Kersplebedeb catalog, so if you'd like a hardcopy you can get in touch.

As some of you might know, i think the antisemitism question is of strategic importance for revolutionaries, and is also more complicated than some might think, and also suffers from normally being thought about in the most stupidly simplistic way OR in the most stupidly academic way. While not perfect, Rosenblum's pamphlet does us the service of identifying the issues we will need to grapple with... i'll hopefully be writing a lengthier critique/appraisal of this pamphlet some time over the next few weeks.

But in the meantime... check it out!

Making Resistance to Antisemitism Part of All of Our Movements

A 32-page pamphlet for progressives and radicals, to support our social justice movements in combating anti-Jewish oppression from a perspective of liberation for all people.

Free downloads at

"In order to build powerful movements we must take on antisemitism as what it is: a divide-and-rule strategy that has served to maintain ruling classes, conceal who actually has power, and confuse us about the real systems of oppression that pit us against one another. ...Rosenblum's pamphlet needs to be studied and the lessons applied."

- Chris Crass, organizer, The Catalyst Project: a center for political education and movement building

*You are invited to use and share this resource: Permission is given to copy freely.*

About the author:

April Rosenblum, 27, was born and raised in activist movements in Philadelphia. She became politicized herself by government attempts in 1995 to execute U.S. political prisoner and Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. Over time she has also worked on issues including police brutality, political prisoners and prisoners' rights, womens' reproductive freedom, immigrants' rights, poverty, anti-racist education and Palestinian self-determination. She graduated with a B.A. in History from Temple University.

She writes, "My work to create 'The Past' was inspired by noticing how afraid I was to speak up when I noticed instances of anti-Jewish oppression in the movements I called home. I realized that my activist friends were, like me, staying silent not out of antisemitism, but because they needed basic tools to confront it. I hope it will be a resource for Jewish and non-Jewish organizers, activists, and other people passionate about building movements that can win."

She can be reached at