Veterans Against The War

Veterans taking action against militarism and endless wars

We are Post-9/11 service members and veterans organizing to end a foreign policy of permanent war and the use of military weapons, tactics, and values in communities across the country. As people intimately familiar with the inner workings of the world’s largest military, we use our knowledge and experiences to expose the truth about these conflicts overseas and the growing militarization in the United States.

Drop The Mic

Join the movement to stop: the cycle of endless war, corporate war profiteering, and demilitarize our communities.


Statement on Attempted Coup in Venezuela

This is not Venezuela. This is Chile on September 11, 1973, but the path the US government is now on feels far too similar to what happened then. We’ve been down this road countless times before, and the consequences have always been devastating.

Statement on Government Shutdown and the Border

As an organization made up of post-9/11 veterans, the events over the last month are all-too familiar to us. We remember a time when another president sold the American public on a lie that our national security was under threat. That make-believe crisis resulted in a number of devastating wars — some of which continue,…

Statement of Solidarity with No Cop Academy

No Cop Academy is fighting back against the militarization of police in Chicago and we are proud to join them in making the connections to the wars overseas and redirecting resources to services people actually need.


Apply for Membership

Membership is open to anybody who has served in the military since September 11th, 2001.

To become a member of About Face: Veterans Against the War, valid proof of service is required.

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