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Champion of Free Software Prize



OW2 Champion of Free Software Prize 2018

December 04, 2018

Paris Open Source Summit 


The 2018 award contest "Champion of Free Software" took place in the framework of the Paris Open Source Summit. Organized for the third edition, this contest is proposed by the CNLL in coordination with french open source regional clusters.

The prizes were announced and distributed during the Summit's opening ceremony, on December 4. 

We are very proud to announce that out of five “Champion of Free Software” prizes, three went to OW2 members and projects: 

  • Strategy prize - Prix de la meilleure stratégie Open Source 2018 - to Lutece
  • Ethics prize - Prix de l’entreprise pour un numérique ouvert et éthique 2018 - to XWiki
  • Innovation prize - Prix de l’innovation 2018 - to ActiveEon

The two other prizes were won by:

  • Best project prize to  LA MAIF for its initiative OSSbyMAIF. 
  • Internationalization prize to NEXEDI

Find more about the contest (website in french).
Find more about OW2 at Paris Open Source Summit

Read the Press Release (PDF, in english)