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OW2 International Programming Contest

Welcome to the OW2 International Programming Contest, an opportunity for students from all countries to demonstrate their talent in open-source software engineering by working during 2 months on a topic relating to one or several OW2 projects. The contest aims at promoting teamwork and the ability of college students to study, use and enhance OW2 open-source projects. Based on principles of freedom, sharing and creativity, and aiming at developing international communication and cooperation, the competition is overseen by the OW2 Technology Council, a group of IT professionals and academics from around the world, with hands-on experience on open-source software. - Read more


Contest 2016 Results

The 2016 OW2 International Programming Contest Award Conference took place Oct. 12-13 2016 at Beihang University, Beijing, China. The final results and photos are now published.

Contest 2016

The Contest 2016 edition is about to start. Team registration is now open (see below). The work period will run from early July to early September. Any student can register.


The teams who will deliver the most convincing work will receive some awards, under the supervision of the OW2 Technology Council who will evaluate the delivered projects along a set of criteria:

  • 1st prize: 2000 EUR / 15000 RMB (one team)
  • 2d prizes: 800 EUR / 6000 RMB per team (2 teams)
  • 3d prizes: 150 EUR / 1200 RMB per team (10 teams)

How does it work? 

  • More than 20 topics are made available for teams to choose one and to register. The call for topics is still open, including to students who would like to submit their own topic ideas and mentors in relation with an OW2 project, the submitted topics will then be considered by the corresponding project leader and the OW2 Technology Council.
  • Students, project leaders, please make sure to read the Contest process. Any question about the process can be submitted to a dedicated contest-discuss.
  • Make sure you have subscribed to the contest-announce mailing-list in order to receive the latest updates about the programme.
  • The Contest organization is managed by the OW2 Technology Council, read more.

Team registration

In order to register for the Contest, please first make sure that you have an account on this site, either by hitting the Register link, or by becoming an OW2 Individual Member. Then please log-in, choose a team name (it can be changed later) and submit the form below.

Past contests

The topics proposed in 2015 and 2014 as well as the teams who enrolled are listed on the pages below:

About this site

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