Help & Support for TYPO3 CMS

Ask the Community

Do you have a user or developer question that you think the community can help with? Feel free to ask.

Stack Overflow

We encourage you to use Stack Overflow to ask and find answers to your TYPO3 questions. This way, others can also profit from given answers and found solutions.

Go to Stack Overflow


There is a TYPO3 dedicated Slack channel for communication in the TYPO3 Community. You can get a free invitation to via the following link.

TYPO3 Slack channel  Get your Slack invitation

Professional Support

Our service company, TYPO3 Inc., provides a list of vetted agencies and freelance TYPO3 professionals.

Agency Partners  Freelance Partners

Official Documentation

The official TYPO3 Documentation site contains user and reference manuals for the entire TYPO3 ecosystem.

Read the Documentation

Updates and Security

Security Bulletins

The TYPO3 Security Team monitors the security of TYPO3 CMS and related software, including popular extensions.

Security updates are released frequently to keep TYPO3 CMS as secure as possible. Keeping your software up-to-date is an important security precaution.

Security Bulletins

Extended Long Term Support Plans (ELTS)

As with many other open source projects we need to drop official, free support at some point. However, there are times when the amount of time to migrate from one version to another is simply too short.

In these rare cases you now have the option to subscribe to a support plan. These plans help both the TYPO3 project and you. Our service company, TYPO3 Inc., offers Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) plans for TYPO3 CMS.

These plans are by no means a reason to postpone a necessary migration further than absolutely necessary and are a last-resort.

More About Extended Long Term Support