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Ramona Africa in hospital

Help Ramona Fight For Her Life

The MOVE Organization is informing our supporters, sympathizers and all those in solidarity with the cause of revolution, that our much beloved Ramona Africa, MOVE’s Minister of Communication, survivor of the May 13, 1985, holocaust, has been hospitalized as a result of health complications coming from a condition called PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). A … [Read More...]


Mike Africa Sr, Debbie Africa, Mike Africa Jr celebrate

Interview with Debbie Africa, Mike Africa Sr and Mike Africa Jr

February 26, 2019Reprint from Global Research News Hour “There are so many injustices in this system, man, about the things they do to people, the harm they cause to people. It’s not just MOVE that are treated horribly like this.” – Mike Africa Sr, MOVE 9 member interviewed Global Research: It’s a pleasure to have […]

lots of letters

Eddie Africa remains in Pennsylvania, but correspondance goes to Florida

The State of Pennsylvania, out of all the other States in America, has taken draconian restrictions on mail. Prison authorities are opening legal mail and photocopying it in direct violation of the First Amendment. They are also doing so to personal mail. Now when you write Eddie Goodman Africa (#AM4974) you need to write to […]

‘I’m ecstatic’: black liberation prisoner Mike Africa Sr released after 40 years

Reprinted from The Guardian October 23, 2018 By Ed Pilkington Member of the radical Philadelphia-based group Move 9, sentenced after violent confrontation with police in 1978, reunited with wife Debbie Africa and son Mike Jr   Mike Africa Sr has become the second member of the Philadelphia-based group of black radicals known as the Move 9 […]

Ramona Africa speaks at rally in 2016 by Dan McQuade

Sole remaining survivor of MOVE 9 tragedy gravely ill; community seeks funds

By Cherri Gregg August 22, 2018 Reprinted from WKY News Radio Supporters have launched a GoFundMe account. WEST PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — The last remaining survivor of the 1985 MOVE tragedy is gravely ill, and her supporters are asking for help. “Ramona Africa’s health is critical at this point,” Sue Africa told reporters Wednesday, August […]

Debbie Africa (mother) and Mike Africa Jr (son) await release of Mike Africa Sr

Debbie Africa Free! Baby-Snatching Practice Blocked Motherhood For 20-million Seconds (40 years)

June 20, 2018 Linn Washington Jr. Reprinted from ThisCantBeHappening.net Justice system abuses mothers with no apologies Debbie’s son Mike said life was “hard” for him growing up without his mother and father, not having their “guidance” at times when he needed it. Mike said that when he went to wake up his mother the morning […]


Pack the Court and Streets for Mumia on Mon., December 3, 2018!

Monday, December 3, 2018 – 8 am,
Court Hearing for Mumia,
Criminal Justice Center,
1301 Filbert Street,
Room 1108,
Philadelphia, PA;
Get directions


In a court case that could eventually lead to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s freedom, Judge Leon Tucker has ordered the District Attorney’s office to present new testimony in reference to Ronald Castille, on August 30, 2018. Castille is a former PA Supreme Court judge who refused to disqualify himself when Mumia’s case came before the court despite having been the Philadelphia District Attorney during Mumia’s prior appeals. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that such conduct is unconstitutional.

A New Chance for Mumia

Click graphic for large version




A recent update on Mumia Abu Jamal’s case:
Philadelphia DA’s office stonewalls at hearing for Mumia Abu-Jamal
May 3, 2018