By Reader on 2019-04-07 22:57:00 -0400
A West Texas Reader [Email him] I listened to Rush Limbaugh on March 29th, and he was was really talking great info: on the 1924 immigration paus, immigration reduction, and not falling for another amnesty, his great time-line explanation including how and why the 1986 amnesty failed to stop the problem. And finally, what a disaster the current amnesty attempt would be. You have to be a Rush 24/7 M...
By Washington Watcher on 2019-04-07 22:16:00 -0400


Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is out, giving President Trump a golden opportunity to bring Kris Kobach into the administration.

But will he?

Early speculation says Energy Secretary Rick Perry—a cuck on immigration—is the top contender, but we have no clear idea. It’s likely a positive move that Nielsen is gone and someone new can take over. Kobach should get the job but there is another position he can fill if he doesn’t get nominated: immigration czar.

The last week saw the President display a new fire on immigration. threatening to shut down the border and make personnel changes in a patriotic immigration direction.

Trump declared “our country is full” on Friday and said we can’t take in any more illegal migrants.

“There is indeed an emergency on our southern border,” Trump said while visiting the border. “It’s a colossal surge and it’s overwhelming our immigration system, and we can’t let that happen. ... We can’t take you anymore. We can’t take you. Our country is full.”  [‘Our country is full’: Trump says migrants straining system, by Zeke Miller and Jonathan Lemire, Associated Press, April 6, 2019]

Yet, Trump backed down last week from the one idea that could effectively send this message.

By James Fulford on 2019-04-07 21:32:00 -0400
You don't remember who George Jessel was, unless, like me, you are old enough to have watched him appear on TV in the 1970s, at which time he was already quite old. Jessel was an old-time Jewish vaudevillian, born in 1898, who by the 1970s spent so much time officiating at banquets that he was calling himself the "Toastmaster General" of the United States. He was a conventional liberal on civil rig...
By Federale on 2019-04-07 20:25:00 -0400
The wicked witch of DHS is dead and buried beneath the border melt-down that she created!  Apparently Stephen Miller is the new, unofficial, Border Czar.  One can only hope that your humble correspondent’s work exposing Lady DACA and her band of traitors and saboteurs in the Resistance had some effect.   The border collapsed on her watch, good riddance.  The only question is who succeeds her? Tom H...
By Allan Wall on 2019-04-07 16:02:00 -0400
Even if we could wall off the entire border today, it would still not solve the problem of our asylum/catch-and-release system, which is driving the current run on the border. But Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, has proposed a solution. I hope somebody in the administration is reading this. Judd's proposal appeared as an analysis/opinion piece in the Washington Times....
By Steve Sailer on 2019-04-07 09:09:00 -0400
From the Washington Post opinion page: Something strange is going on at this civil rights institution. It must be investigated. By Jim Tharpe April 5 Jim Tharpe is a retired journalist who lives in Atlanta and a former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser. There’s something strange afoot at the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the nation’s richest civil and human rights charities. … But...
By Steve Sailer on 2019-04-07 09:08:00 -0400
A new play about the Lehman Brothers financial firm, from its founding in Alabama by Jewish immigrants in 1855 to its extinction in 2008 that helped set off the Great Financial Crash, has opened in New York to tap into the upscale market pioneered by Hamilton. It is directed by Sam Mendes, director of American Beauty with Kevin Spacey, and stars three British actors, including Simon Russell Beale w...
By Reader on 2019-04-06 23:04:00 -0400
Re: Peter Brimelow's blog post Manafort, Marlborough, And Robert E. Lee: Criminalizing Policy/ Personnel, Differences— U.S. Politics Regressing To The Primitive From: A Southern Lawyer  [Email him] I could not resist the temptation to write Peter Brimelow a short note of appreciation for his blog post regarding the above referenced matter.  Aside from the reams of insightful and practical knowledge...
By Lance Welton on 2019-04-06 22:05:00 -0400

Lunatics Taking Over The Asylum: Oliver D. Smith, RationalWiki, And The Wikipedeans

Recently, all Wikipedia pages in German, Danish, Czech and Slovak were blacked out. This wasn’t a technical error. It was Wikipedia’s protest against the European Parliament for once doing something debatably useful: updating copyright laws to stop people from stealing digital intellectual content. [Why Four Versions of Wikipedia Have Deliberately Gone Dark, By David Meyer, Fortune, March 21, 2019] It should be no surprise that the controllers of Wikipedia, and even more so its woke competitor Rational Wiki, should object to such outdated and likely racist concepts as law and private property: to a fatal extent, they are crazed Social Justice Warriors—and a growing threat to political and scientific discourse.

In the ongoing war between reasonable people and Leftism, there is a vital battle being waged on Wikipedia, which, like it or not, is a latter-day oracle of information. Control the fourth-most popular website in the Western world (according to Wikipedia itself) and you, at least partly, control the Western mind. For this reason, online skirmishes over Wikipedia’s non-PC topics are particularly vicious, and the murky manipulators prepared to devote their time to the struggle take fanaticism, and even insanity, to levels that defy belief.

Of course, most of us like to think that we’re above relying on something as obviously untrustworthy as an anonymously-written encyclopedia dependent on non-expert contributors. But scientists really do read Wikipedia entries and reuse the citations in their peer-reviewed articles. [Science is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial, by Neil Thompson & Douglas Hanley, MIT Sloan Research Paper, 2017] Which means that the SJWs who control Wikipedia actually help to shape science itself.

It’s fiendishly difficult for thinking people to edit articles on areas like as “race” so that they conform to scientific standards, because Wikipedia’s gatekeepers have instituted a raft of tendentious rules in order to stop this happening. [Wikipedia Is Shockingly Biased: 5 Lessons From An Admin, by Mark Hill, Cracked, July 11, 2016]

By Brenda Walker on 2019-04-06 20:52:00 -0400
Below is an excerpt from a new book, The Culture of AI, Everyday Life and the Digital Revolution. Unlike most books now available about the coming technological transformation, it is written by a sociologist rather than a Silicon Valley type. So it may address the cultural effects that arise from automation and smart machines taking a bigger place in the workplace and society generally. The enormo...


By Washington Watcher on 2019-04-07 22:16:00 -0400


Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is out, giving President Trump a golden opportunity to bring Kris Kobach into the administration.

But will he?

Early speculation says Energy Secretary Rick Perry—a cuck on immigration—is the top contender, but we have no clear idea. It’s likely a positive move that Nielsen is gone and someone new can take over. Kobach should get the job but there is another position he can fill if he doesn’t get nominated: immigration czar.

The last week saw the President display a new fire on immigration. threatening to shut down the border and make personnel changes in a patriotic immigration direction.

Trump declared “our country is full” on Friday and said we can’t take in any more illegal migrants.

“There is indeed an emergency on our southern border,” Trump said while visiting the border. “It’s a colossal surge and it’s overwhelming our immigration system, and we can’t let that happen. ... We can’t take you anymore. We can’t take you. Our country is full.”  [‘Our country is full’: Trump says migrants straining system, by Zeke Miller and Jonathan Lemire, Associated Press, April 6, 2019]

Yet, Trump backed down last week from the one idea that could effectively send this message.

By Lance Welton on 2019-04-06 22:05:00 -0400

Lunatics Taking Over The Asylum: Oliver D. Smith, RationalWiki, And The Wikipedeans

Recently, all Wikipedia pages in German, Danish, Czech and Slovak were blacked out. This wasn’t a technical error. It was Wikipedia’s protest against the European Parliament for once doing something debatably useful: updating copyright laws to stop people from stealing digital intellectual content. [Why Four Versions of Wikipedia Have Deliberately Gone Dark, By David Meyer, Fortune, March 21, 2019] It should be no surprise that the controllers of Wikipedia, and even more so its woke competitor Rational Wiki, should object to such outdated and likely racist concepts as law and private property: to a fatal extent, they are crazed Social Justice Warriors—and a growing threat to political and scientific discourse.

In the ongoing war between reasonable people and Leftism, there is a vital battle being waged on Wikipedia, which, like it or not, is a latter-day oracle of information. Control the fourth-most popular website in the Western world (according to Wikipedia itself) and you, at least partly, control the Western mind. For this reason, online skirmishes over Wikipedia’s non-PC topics are particularly vicious, and the murky manipulators prepared to devote their time to the struggle take fanaticism, and even insanity, to levels that defy belief.

Of course, most of us like to think that we’re above relying on something as obviously untrustworthy as an anonymously-written encyclopedia dependent on non-expert contributors. But scientists really do read Wikipedia entries and reuse the citations in their peer-reviewed articles. [Science is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial, by Neil Thompson & Douglas Hanley, MIT Sloan Research Paper, 2017] Which means that the SJWs who control Wikipedia actually help to shape science itself.

It’s fiendishly difficult for thinking people to edit articles on areas like as “race” so that they conform to scientific standards, because Wikipedia’s gatekeepers have instituted a raft of tendentious rules in order to stop this happening. [Wikipedia Is Shockingly Biased: 5 Lessons From An Admin, by Mark Hill, Cracked, July 11, 2016]

By John Derbyshire on 2019-04-05 22:12:00 -0400

When it comes to squishiness on immigration, the Trump Administration is now setting the pace. Every week brings news of some new concession to the business lobbies on legal immigration.

I don't have to go looking for these stories. They pop up every few days. Washington Times, March 29th: DHS to double seasonal guest worker increase (by Stephen Dinan) The story tells us that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has approved an extra 30,000 seasonal guest worker visas. That's 15,000 extra over last year's increase.

This increase also comes earlier in the season, which, the report tells us, "will give employers more time to apply and plan." Well, isn't that nice for them.

Secretary Nielsen is just as worthless on illegal immigration. She showed up on Tucker Carlson's show earlier this week to talk about the tens of thousands of Central Americans coming across our southern border without authorization every month and being released into the U.S.A.

Nielsen emitted billowing clouds of hot air. On compulsory E-Verify for employers:

Clip: Carlson: "How about this: Why wouldn't your agency write an executive order, present it to the President, have him sign it, and do it tomorrow?"

Nielsen: "Everything is on the table. We'll do everything we can within our authorities (sic)."



By Peter Brimelow on 2019-04-04 21:27:00 -0400

I see that Main Stream Media-licensed immigration patriot/ Trump supporter-lite Victor Davis Hanson was annoyed at the editing of a phone Q&A he did with the New Yorker’s Isaac Chotiner [Tweet him] published as The Classicist Who Sees Donald Trump as a Tragic Hero [February 20, 2019], and demanded that the full transcript be published, which, needless to say, doesn’t seem to have happened. It’s certainly true that Chotiner’s introductory claim that Hanson “has a history of hostility to undocumented [i.e. illegal] Mexican and Central American immigrants [sic—actually aliens], who he claims are undermining American culture” is absurd, as I documented in my American Conservative review of Hanson’s wonderful but distinctly wimpish 2003 book Mexifornia.  But the fact is that rising tide of Leftist lunacy means that MSM reporters/ PC enforcers now feel they have a particular license to lie. No patriot should ever talk to them over the phone without recording it (looking at you, Rep. Steve King). Personally, I insist on conducting MSM interviews by email—which, significantly, scares many away. However, answering stupid questions does focus the mind and the exchanges have resulted in a couple of useful articles (here and here).

nicoleeinbinderRecently, I had an exchange with Nicole Einbinder [Email her] of something called She seems to be a nice sheltered twenty-something who has never thought about any of the issues she was charged with reporting and, not surprisingly, I wasn’t sufficiently inflammatory to be quoted in White nationalists and the alt-right are disillusioned with Trump — and some are joining the Yang Gang. [March 26, 2019]

To Einbinder’s credit, she did pick up on the anomaly that many so-called white nationalists/ supremacists (Facebook has officially decreed they are the same thing, so they must be, right?) are intrigued by Chinese-American Democrat contender Andrew Yang:

For many nationalists, Yang's ethnicity is a non-issue. Picciolini  [Tweet him] the former white supremacist, said "If you look at their views of white supremacy, they hold Asians in very, very high regard because of their exclusive culture," adding that "They believe that Asian culture has it right."

But Einbinder quickly puts that through the ideological converter:

"Certainly while [Trump] didn't create [the white nationalist] problem, he's lit the fuse that has sparked it to grow once again," Picciolini told INSIDER. "I think things are going to get worse before they get better, and that's because the government has not focused on white supremacy as a threat."

0000joining“Focused on white supremacy” = repressing white America, a.k.a the Historic American Nation.

Our (scrupulously edited) interview:

  1. Do those in the white nationalist and far-right movement feel that president Trump supports them?

Preamble: As I have repeatedly explained is not a “white nationalist” site and I am not a “white nationalist,” although I do think white nationalism in the sense of representing white interests is a legitimate position cf. Black Nationalism, La Raza, Zionism. And it is NOT the same as White Supremacy.

Also, we are not “far right.” Everyone else is far Left.

We are immigration patriots, in the sense that we think current immigration levels are an existential threat to America. (We used to be “immigration reformers,” but that term was stolen by the Amnestiacs, with the usual MSM collusion).

On Trump: My sense is that immigration patriots have reached a breaking point with Trump, because of his failure to legislate or even get control of the border, and particularly because of his sudden talk about INCREASING legal immigration and his treatment of Ann Coulter e.g. John Derbyshire here.

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2019-04-04 17:13:00 -0400

See, earlier, by Peter Brimelow: The Democratic Party Has Tipped—Great News For The GOP (Which Doesn’t Deserve It)

In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men—Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg—have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

The three white women running—Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand—have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent.

African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?

Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

But the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career—opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.