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    Shame on opposition .... Abki baar phirse sarkar... cz

  3. Just have a look how Congress is getting open support from Porkistan to defame You cross check with the account itself I'm not lying. This girl is following pakistani people who spread fake antinational sentiments about and is an active INC member 1/2

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  4. vor 15 Stunden

    is losing both seats and vote share by the day. Thinning crowds, vitriolic speeches and brazen lies reflect the rising political insecurity. ’s desperation is understandable. It’s a drowning man clutching at a straw.

  5. is a constituency with 48.6% Hindus & 28% Muslims. Being from Kerala, I can vouch for this. That said, what does it matter what the demographic is? Doesn't PM consider Muslims a part of India? I am very hurt by the comments made by the PM today.

  6. vor 15 Stunden
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    Happy Diwas mitron

  7. vor 22 Stunden

    Dear This gentleman Mr is openly using religion while campaigning. Shouldn't he be banned from contesting as it is against the code of conduct? This is a serious violation.

  8. 31. März
  9. 31. März
  10. 31. März
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    didn't leave (where his win was guaranteed) but came to the lion's den and threw the gauntlet - when pundits had predicted the Hindi Heartland won't accept an outsider. He didn't seek a "safe seat" So, big difference.

  11. 30. März
  12. 30. März

    This story will truly inspire you! Check out the trailer of our upcoming show, - Subscribe to and get 50% off on annual subscription. It's a limited period offer, so hurry up! |

  13. 30. März
  14. 30. März

    India is the only country in the world where- 3,700 PhD holders apply for Peon jobs. 4000 MBAs & Engineers apply for 14 sweeper jobs. 82 lakh PGs & Engineers apply for helper jobs. In 5 years, PM has destroyed the future of India's educated youth!

  15. 28. März
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  16. 28. März
  17. 27. März

    Es ist Wahlkampf in . Premier könnte sagen, wie er endlich mehr Jobs schafft. Was er gegen die extreme Umweltverschmutzung tun will. Wie er Hindu-Nationalisten in die Schranken weist. Aber er hat andere Sorgen:

  18. 27. März power ban Gaye.

  19. My reply to Owaisi bro's said had beef biryani & slept while attacked happened says he will give job to Both brothers dares to speak such language because is giving full support to gain minority vote bank

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