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Review: ‘Captive State’ puts sci-fi and resistance center stage in Chicago

“As long as we fight, we have a chance.” — Captive State Throughout the history of the science fiction and horror genre of film and literature, there have been stories that hold a mirror to the realities of our world. Through fantastical plotlines, socio-political themes such as corruption, sexism, racism,...

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Republicans are obstructing attempts to get the full Mueller report

WASHINGTON — Democrats intensified their demands for Robert Mueller’s full report Thursday after learning the special counsel’s findings from his Trump-Russia investigation run to more than 300 pages, while President Donald Trump boasted of total exoneration based on a four-page summary by his attorney general. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler...

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Stop Trump power grab!

Trump has invoked emergency powers to subvert Congress and build his border wall. Tell your representatives, "hell no."

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Stand with families on the border

Express solidarity with Central Americans seeking asylum and sanctuary in the U.S.

socialism in usa

Bill of Rights Socialism

socialism in usa

Socialism is a common-sense path to a fairer, more prosperous and more democratic USA. Socialism is also a desperate necessity as capitalism and its unrelenting drive for profits threaten to make our planet uninhabitable. Working families in America – the 99% - between us create all the products and services that make our country the richest nation in the history of humankind. It doesn’t make sense that these collectively produced resources are owned and controlled by a tiny handful of billionaires. The fight for socialism is a dynamic process to fulfill the vision of a future of peace, justice and fairness for our nation and our world.

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Have a question about CPUSA and our stance on issues? Our CPUSA experts are standing by to give you an answer!

  • Q
    "What's the response of CPUSA towards right-wing activist Jordan Peterson's claim that 'Marxism is equal to Nazism' and that, since people are biologically unequal, trying to create equality ends in dictatorship?"                                      ...
  • A
    Lots of misconceptions and assertions I can't concede in these questions, so it's best to address those then get to the heart of what is in these two questions. These questions suppose that the models the West has constructed are successes that we should be happy with. At least since the dawn of modern government, marginalized populations have struggled to overturn the established system for a better one, utopian or otherwise. Ignoring North America's own non-European history, we reflexively look to Great Britain for these examples. This seems natural, since Canada and the United States are the nation-states formed out of that empire. As far back as the early 1600's, 200 years before Karl Marx, radical insurgencies spread through England...

Party Voices

BY: Communist Party USA| February 23, 2019

This week @cpusa discusses the crisis in Venezuela with Jesús Rodriguez former Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago, now editor of Orinoco Tribune. Rodriquez discusses the origins of the Bolivarian revolution, and  the reasons behind the crisis, both economic and political. The role of the U.S. is pointed to beginning with the Obama administration's declaring Venezuela a threat to national security and the imposition of sanctions.  Rodriquez discusses the role of oil in creating and worsening the crisis, the progress made in Venezuela along with mistakes made by the government.   https://youtu.be/_ewfcvByGrA          

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BY: Agostinho Lopes| January 16, 2019

  History didn't end in 1989, after all! The deep, global, dense, systemic crisis of capitalism proves it. The crisis has shown that its exploitative, oppressing, aggressive, predatory nature did not derive from its competition with the USSR and the socialist world. Those features are inherent to the system itself. It is not by chance that the crisis is located at the center of the capitalist system. The root causes of the problems faced by workers and peoples are inherent to the system, they exist within the system. And the responsibility of social-democrats, conservatives and other right-wing forces comes from...

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BY: Maicol David Lynch| October 30, 2018

  CPUSA leader Jarvis Tyner, spoke to a packed house of students and faculty on the campus of Ohio University, Athens last week. Tyner, invited to speak of the role of African Americans and women in the CPUSA, also addressed the current fight to defeat the Trump administration and its Congressional supporters in next week's midterm elections. "The midterm elections" he said, "is one of the most important, if not the most important election in U.S. history." Beginning with a brief history of capitalism in the United States,  the leader of the NY District of the CP, explaining how Native...

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For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.

