/ / News, Podcast, Radicalized

During my book tour for Radicalized, I recorded a podcast interview (MP4) with the Security Sandbox podcast (formerly Hacker Culture). Host Sean Sun and I carried on a wide-ranging, hacker-centric discussion that covered everything from the EU Copyright Directive to writing discipline to my recipe for ginger liqueur — and, of course, the new book.

/ / News, Radicalized

This weekend, I’m wrapping up the tour for my new book Radicalized at Anaheim’s Wondercon, where I’m giving a keynote appearance on Saturday at 4PM (Even if You’re Paying for the Product, You’re Still the Product, room 211), followed by a panel on Sunday at 11AM (Technology Is Cold; People Are Warm, Room 300B), followed by a signing from 1215PM-1PM (in the Author Signing Area). I hope you can make it! (Image: Brandon Locke)

/ / News, Radicalized

We had a fantastic time last night at the Ft Vancouver Library Revolutionary Reads event for Radicalized, my latest sf book; on Thursday I’ll be in Seattle, appearing at the the Central Library at 7PM. From there, I finish the tour with a weekend at Wondercon in Anaheim. See you there (tell your friends)! (Image: Fort Vancouver Library)

/ / News, Radicalized

Thanks to everyone who came out to last night’s book tour event with Richard Kadrey at Berkeley Arts and Letters; I’m in the final stretch of the tour now, with a keynote tonight at 7PM at the Ft Vancouver Library’s Revolutionary Reads series, (Clark Community College’s Gaiser Hall, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver WA 98663) just across the river from Portland, OR. Thursday, I’m at the Seattle Public Library and I’m spending the weekend at Wondercon in Anaheim. Hope you can make it! (Image: Mike Westphal)