Everyone loves it until they're on it


  • Men in Black

    Budget slogans: The Govt says we’re back in black. No Idea misreports Nicole Kidman’s “Shock Collapse”; and Chris Kenny stumbles in his rush to attack the ABC

Alarming Adelaide

Details emerge of a “major security scare” in Adelaide after a blanket suppression order is lifted.

One Nation stung

Al Jazeera’s undercover sting into One Nation and the American gun lobby divides journalists over the covert methods used.

The Perth prick

Police reject a Seven News exclusive of a “serial syringe fiend” in Perth nightclubs, saying there is no evidence.

Gun Nuts

The One Nation NRA sting, NBC reporter’s on-air spit, Leukemia story runs next to funeral home ad, Teena McQueen on Q&A, “the greatest television train wreck of 2019”?


Anti-Islam rhetoric

Politicians and the media under fire for demonising Muslims.

Latham’s DNA

One Nation’s policy to DNA test ‘Aboriginality’ gets widespread coverage but little criticism.



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