Category: Speeding Offences

Government May Remove Speed Camera ‘Warning’ Signs

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim A report released on 18 October 2018 by the NSW Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford, has suggested that New South Wales remove signs that alert motorists to upcoming speed cameras, on the basis they reduce road safety. Ms Crawford says the signs – which give speeding motorists an opportunity to slow ...

NSW Police Set to Harass Traffic Offenders at their Homes

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim New South Wales police officers will be randomly “visiting” the homes of traffic offenders as part of a strategy which police commissioner Mick Fuller claims is designed to deter them from reoffending. Knock knock, it’s police Mr Fuller has directed officers to conduct “random” attendances at the homes of ...

Disqualified Drivers Can Now Apply to Get Their Licences Back

The Road Transport Amendment (Driver Licence Disqualification) Act came into effect on 28 October 2017, allowing certain disqualified drivers in NSW to apply to the local court for the removal of their disqualification periods. Who can apply? If you are a disqualified driver, you may apply for the removal of all disqualification periods where: Any ...

Top Ten Suburbs for Speeding in NSW

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim The top ten hotspots for speeding offences in NSW have been identified; and some of them may surprise you. The Sydney suburb of Mascot, near the airport, seems an unlikely place to be caught speeding, as traffic is often jammed and when it starts to move, it does so ...

Officer Refuses to Show Driver the Reading of Speed

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim A NSW police officer who pulled over a Sydney motorist over for allegedly speeding has been filmed refusing to show the driver the speed gun reading, then claiming the vehicle is faulty due to a wobbly seat. Zia Yilda was on his way to work when stopped by the ...

Beating a Traffic Ticket Without a Lawyer

Whether it’s for driving a few kilometres over the speed limit, checking a mobile phone message, or because you didn’t realise your mate in the back seat wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, getting a fine for a traffic offence is always a hassle. We get calls every day from people who’ve been issued with traffic fines, many ...

Bully Cop Faces Court

Another Queensland police officer has landed himself on the wrong side of the law after pulling a gun on a speeding motorist in the outback. Senior Constable Stephen Flanagan was suspended without pay over the incident, and is now in court trying to have his pay check reinstated while facing criminal charges. Video footage played ...

Traffic Offences: Hot Spots for Getting Caught

Home to tourist hotspots like Manly and Palm Beach, the Northern Beaches is one of the most scenic areas of Sydney. But according to data obtained by Fairfax Media, the region also has the highest number of drink driving offences, with police charging 602 drivers in the year to 17 December. The Tweed / Byron ...

Operation ‘Arrive Alive’ Aims to Promote Safe Driving

As of Friday 18 December, police have invested extra resources into targeting drink driving, speeding and unlicensed driving in the lead up to Christmas. Police reported that on day one of the blitz, called ‘Operation Arrive Alive’, 48,916 breath tests were administered, 21 of which resulted in drink driving charges. Police issued 1273 speeding tickets ...

Would You Risk Prison to Keep Your Driver Licence?

How far would you go to avoid a speeding fine or demerit points? Lie to authorities? Find a Justice of the Peace to sign a false statement? According to the Roads and Maritime Service (RMS), a large number of people in NSW are willing to do just that to avoid fines and demerit points. RMS ...