Category: News

The NSW Government’s Relentless Assault on Civil Liberties

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim As the state election is looming, political commentators all agree that the results are going to be tight, so it might be a good time to reflect on the assault the O’Farrell/ Baird/ Berejiklian government has perpetrated upon NSW citizens’ civil liberties during its time in office. From the ...

Christchurch: True Blue Aussie Terrorism

As an Anglo-Australian man stormed into the Al Noor Mosque on Deans Avenue in Christchurch last Friday afternoon, Haji-Daoud Nabi greeted his assailant at the door with the words, “Hello, brother. Welcome”. And for this the 71-year-old Afghan man lost his life. It would be easy to say that the 28-year-old man disgraced Australia, however ...

Terrorist Attack in Christchurch – The Volcano Set to Erupt

Meticulously cultivated, Islamophobia is an uncontrollable force – one that pushed through the brittle surface on Friday 15th March 2019 to take the lives of 50 innocent men, women and children. There was nothing shocking about what occurred on that dark day, or even surprising. The wholesale demonisation of Muslims is something that has gone ...

Journalist Manhandled by Premier’s Minders

The Premier of New South Wales, Gladys Berejiklian, was in Brunswick Heads, a popular tourist spot on the state’s North Coast, when a local journalist attempted to make his way towards her to ask questions. Instead of getting anywhere near the Premier, the journalist was manhandled by her minders and taken in the opposite direction. ...