Category: Aggravated Indecent Assault

Hollywood Star Accused of Sexual Touching

It has been reported that Hollywood star Kevin Spacey will be prosecuted in the United States over allegations he performed a sexual act upon an 18-year old at a Massachusetts bar in July 2016. Boston journalist Heather Unruh accused Mr Spacey last year of plying her son with alcohol before reaching down the young man’s ...

Sydney Police Officer Charged with Child Sexual Assault

A Sydney police officer has been arrested and charged with a range of child sex offences, including attempted sexual intercourse with a child under 10, two counts of sexual intercourse with a child aged between the ages of 10 and 14, aggravated indecent assault and grooming a child under the age of 14 for sex. ...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault, or accused of something as serious ...

Do People Lie About Sexual Assault?

Incidents of sexual assault have been widely publicised in the media following a number of high-profile cases, including that of Kings Cross nightclub heir Luke Lazarus. Data published in 2014 indicates that Australia has a huge problem with sexual assault – with 1 in 5 Australian women, and 1 in 20 men, reporting experiencing some ...

Mandatory Indefinite Sentencing – A Good Idea?

How would you feel if you were sent to prison for an indefinite period of time? Such a scenario had been proposed by the Victoria state government before its election defeat over the weekend In a bid for popularity, the Liberal Napthine government had planned to introduce indefinite prison sentences for persons who repeatedly commit ...

Validity of Anti-Biker Laws Upheld by the High Court

The High Court recently dismissed a challenge to the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act, upholding its validity. The decision is the latest in a long running saga between the United Motorcycle Council and State governments. Governments have passed various pieces of legislation aimed at dismantling the operations of motorcycle gangs after a number of violent ...