Category: Deemed Supply

Man Imprisoned for Buying Drugs on Dark Web

By Zeb Holmes and Ugur Nedim A former A-grade Darwin rugby league player has been sent to prison for supplying drugs in the form of hundreds of MDMA tablets sent through the ‘dark web’. The Supreme Court found that 27 year-old plumbing assistant and under-eights coach, Gavin Brown, used the cryptocurrency bitcoin to buy 500 ...

Indictable Drug Supply Cases Can Now be Finalised in the Local Court

Until recently, cases of drug supply which involved more than the ‘indictable quantity’ but less than the commercial quantity could not be finalised in the NSW Local Court – they were ‘strictly indictable’ which meant they had to be committed to a higher court such as the District Court to be dealt with – whether by ...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter such as drug possession, drink driving or common assault, or accused of something as serious ...

Defendant Appeals after Pleading Guilty Due to Incorrect Legal Advice

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim On the afternoon of 26 May 2015, Brett Ritchie was pulled over by police as he was driving down the Oxley Highway near Wauchope. The officers then arrested him due to outstanding warrants. Whilst standing next to the car, Mr Ritchie removed a fabric sunglasses case from his pocket ...

What are the Penalties for Steroids in NSW?

Before 2014, the possession of drugs classified as anabolic steroids was primarily regulated by the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 1966, which dealt with the substances in much the same way as other prescription drugs. However in 2014, the NSW government reclassified the drugs as narcotics which brought the penalties in line with drugs like ...

Your Rights When Approached by Police at Music Festivals

By Paul Gregoire and Ugur Nedim The hot weather is starting to kick in and with it, the festival season is upon us. Thousands of revellers are gearing up to take in their favourite live music acts, get down to some old skool beats, or spend the weekend partying at a bush doof. But as ...

Filipino President Continues Killing Spree in War Against Drugs

We recently reported on the newly elected Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte who publicly declared: “If you are involved in drugs, I will kill you. You son of a whore, I will really kill you.” On Friday, the President threatened to quit the United Nations and form a separate organisation with China and several African nations. His ...

Why Some Lawyers Win Cases While Others Waste Your Money

Criminal lawyers are often criticised for adjourning cases from court date to court date, while doing very little in between. They are accused of ‘dragging cases out’ and having little interest in getting charges dropped at an early stage in the proceedings – after all, lawyers make more if cases go all the way to ...

Countdown to Execution – Should Chan and Sukumaran be Saved?

The two Australians convicted of drug trafficking ten years ago now face imminent execution in Indonesia. Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran made the 700km journey to the execution island, where it is expected that their execution by firing squad is imminent. Their journey began early in the morning of March 4, when they were ...

What is Deemed Supply in Drug Matters?

If you are found in possession of more than a certain quantity of drugs, you can be charged with deemed supply, even if you had no intention of supplying or selling the drugs. A standard drug supply charge requires there to be some evidence that you were supplying or intending to supply the drugs to ...