Category: Assault Police

Police Officers Allegedly Assaulted by Intoxicated Group

Victoria Police has now arrested six people over an incident involving alleged assaults on two police officers over the weekend, in what police have described as a ‘sickening attack’. CCTV footage of the incident appears to show the group attacking the police, at one point depicting a man repeatedly lifting and throwing one of the ...

Police Make Confidential Payout to Victim of Brutality

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim After going to extraordinary lengths to hide the actions of officers who assaulted and mistreated a woman in custody, Victoria Police are also trying to keep quiet about paying her half a million dollars in compensation. Reports have emerged that Victoria Police have made a payout of more than ...

Aboriginal Elder Strip Searched on Busy Sydney Road

The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission announced at the end of October that it was launching an investigation into the use of strip searches by NSW police. The inquiry is in response to growing allegations that officers are abusing their powers. This was against a backdrop of a growing awareness that strip search use is increasing in ...

Danny Lim to Challenge NSW Police After Brutality Incident

Iconic Sydney protester Danny Lim has been brightening the lives of city commuters for years now with his sandwich board signs emblazoned with colourful political messages designed to make a point as well as produce a smile from the passersby. However, last Friday morning, several NSW police officers decided it was time to give the former ...

Dozens of NSW Police Officers Charged with Assault and Sexual Offences

Police offers swear an oath to uphold and enforce the law, but what happens when officers themselves are themselves charged with violent of sexual offences? It has been reported that since October 2016, 30 New South Wales police officers have been charged with offences ranging from reckless damage and common assault through to child sex ...

Taxpayers Foot the Bill for Police Misconduct

By Ugur Nedim and Sonia Hickey We have reported on several cases where taxpayers have been left to foot the bill for the misconduct of police officers, from the costs of legal representation to damages awards for police brutality and other forms of criminal conduct. Taxpayers across Australia are paying millions of dollars every year ...

Police Officer Guilty of Assault

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim Shocking CCTV footage from a police station in Victoria was the eventual undoing of senior constable Steven Repac. The officer has been found guilty over his treatment of Yvonne Berry while she was in custody overnight for public drunkenness. During her 16 hours at the Ballarat police station, Ms ...

NSW Police Are Illegally Strip-Searching Aboriginal Kids

It’s recently come to light that not only is the NSW Police Force doubling down on its use of strip-searches, but officers are also carrying out this invasive practice upon Aboriginal children as young as 11 years old. Aboriginal Legal Service Western NSW deputy principal solicitor Emily Winborne has outlined she’s aware of cases where First ...

Ambos Under Attack: Paramedics Twice as Likely as Police to be Assaulted

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim In the wake of a spate of violent attacks on paramedics and emergency service workers, the Health Services Union (HSU) is calling for frontline staff to be fitted with body cameras in an attempt to deter would-be offenders and capture incidents as they occur. Latest incident Paramedics were called ...

Citizens’ Group to Fight Police Corruption

By Sonia Hickey and Ugur Nedim Many believe the culture of misconduct in the Queensland Police Force (QPS) is worse than ever before, even poorer than prior to the state’s 1987 Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption. Despite recommendations for better accountability mechanisms, police in Queensland – and indeed across Australia – have largely been left ...