March 27, 2019

Eleven women working for a supplement published monthly by the daily L’Osservatore Romano newspaper have walked out, saying they had  been the victim of a campaign to discredit them and put them ‘under the direct control of men. Founder of Women Church World, Lucetta Scaraffia, above, said pressure on the all-female editorial team had intensified after it had published reports about sexual abuse of nuns by other members of the clergy. Last month, the Pope publicly acknowledged that nuns had… Read more

March 27, 2019

IN his latest attack on the Catholic Church Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, above, said the world would be a better place if all child molesting priests were to be killed. Referring to paedophile priests as “sons of bitches” Duerte said at a campaign rally in Cagayan de Oro City, he would “really kill” child molesting priests. Speaking on Sunday at a campaign rally in Cagayan de Oro City, Duterte said: To the priests who raped children and fondled balls, you… Read more

March 26, 2019

THE Sultan of Brunei, one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, is reportedly overseeing the introduction of shariah laws that that could see LGBT people whipped or stoned to death for same-sex relations. Hassanal Bolkiah, 73, Head of Religion in this small East Asian country, began the process of introducing shariah laws in 2014, when he announced the first of three stages of legal changes that included fines or jail for offences such as pregnancy outside marriage or failing… Read more

March 26, 2019

MAAJID Nawaz, a British anti-extremist campaigner who was recently the victim of a vicious racist attack, used his weekend slot on London’s  LBC Radio to castigate the UK’s Labour Party for formally adopting a definition of Islamophobia. On Saturday, after engaging in a heated debate with an hysterical Muslim who strongly defended barbaric punishments meted out to women under sharia law, Nawaz, above, turned his attention to the Labour Party’s adoption of the definition, which reads: Islamophobia is rooted in… Read more

March 25, 2019

THE Catholic Church in Scotland believes that there is a  ‘very real danger’ that holding Catholic beliefs could become a ‘hate crime’ in Scotland, and that it had been targeted in an anti-bigotry campaign launched last year by the Scottish Government. According to The Scottish Catholic Observer, this fear was expressed in the Church’s submission to a Scottish Government consultation on hate crime legislation. The consultation follows a report by Lord Bracadale, above, on hate crime which was released last… Read more

March 25, 2019

PROVINCIAL politicians in northwestern Pakistan are really angry that thousands of women across Pakistan took part in marches to mark this year’s International Women’s Day. So angry are they that, on Wednesday, lawmakers in the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa provincial parliament unanimously adopted a resolution denouncing the marches as: A shameless and un-Islamic act. The lawmakers included those from Pakistan’s ruling party of former cricket-star-turned Prime Minister Imran Khan and those from opposition parties, including the left-leaning Pakistan People’s Party now led… Read more

March 24, 2019

THE authorities in South Africa have been trying for some time to crack down on unscrupulous ministers and churches who prey on the gullible by providing ‘miracles’ for cash. But according to Pierre De Vos, above, who teaches Constitutional law at the University of Cape Town Law: The harm inflicted by some churches and other religious institutions against women and gays and lesbians is seldom mentioned when the possibility of regulating such institutions is raised. But this could now change,… Read more

March 23, 2019

THERE is much discontent among Catholics in Michigan as a result of a successful bid by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to prevent faith-based adoption agencies that benefit from taxpayer funding from turning away same-sex couples or gay individuals. According to this report, a  lawsuit filed by the ACLU was settled yesterday (Friday) by Attorney General Dana Nessel, above, who accepted that such agencies will no longer be allowed to discriminate. She conceded that a 2015 law that permitted… Read more

March 23, 2019

On March 1 we reported that Oxford University’s student newspaper, Cherwell, published an interview with Armin Navabi, above, founder of Atheist Republic – but refused to allow the interview to be reproduced online because it might be regarded as ‘offensive’. This led to the immediate resignation of the paper’s profile editor, Freddy Howard. This week Navabi became embroiled in another controversy over free speech when Mount Royal University in Calgary suddenly cancelled a talk he was scheduled to give on Thursday because… Read more

March 22, 2019

THE Catholic Church is not – I repeat NOT – crammed to the rafters with pervy priests, but some days one cannot help but to think that it has more sexual predators than any other institution on the planet. Today is one. I give you the Rev Gerold Langsch, 75, above, who has been arrested for allegedly groping a seriously ill woman while he was administering her last rites. Langsch, of Austin, Texas, was charged last week with assault by… Read more

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