Curriculum resources
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Curriculum sets

The Gallery aims to provide a wide variety of online learning resources for students, educators and families. Many of these resources can be accessed via collection areas.

This section offers educators and students resources based on the national collection structured under the main curriculum priorities. Please click on the images to the right to reveal the works, sub-sections and context pertaining to the curriculum topics listed below.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Asia & Engagement with Asia
Civics & Citizenship
Physical Education
Design & technologies
Digital Technologies
The Arts
Visual Arts
Media Arts

Other resources

Art lessons

With the renewed focus on the permanent collection the Gallery will provide a suite of 10 education resources that focus on key parts of the collection that relate to curriculum outcomes.

The National Gallery of Australia aims to provide a wide variety of online learning resources for students, educators and families.

Digital books

NGA in partnership with Apple Distinguished Educators has developed a multi-touch interactive book for senior secondary students, Responding to Art. This multi-touch book investigates various themes and issues in art using works from the NGA collection. Layered content includes interpretive information about the works as well as inquiry questions to promote investigations, comparisons and links to further resources. It is available via iTunes iBook store

Coming soon is a book for primary students on the Elements of art.


Education Services Australia
the National Gallery has developed resources that utilise rich collection content whilst linking them to the Australian Curriculum.

This list of works is available via the National Gallery's collection search. Please click on the individual thumbnails to view the resources.

Special attention was given to works of art in the collection that connect with the Cross Curriculum Priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia and Sustainability. Or you can search for these resources in Scootle

Times Education Australia

ABC Education

  • Rich content videos from the Gallery's extensive library have been used in partnership with ABC Education to create digital learning resources with links to The Arts and History curriculum.


There is also an extensive selection of over 300 short form videos on the national collection with artist interviews and informative outlines of many of the key works of art in the collection.

Exhibition based online resources