European+American art
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The National Gallery of Australia's collection of International art is our nation's greatest collection of modern art, spanning the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. The collections of European, American and British art are among the Gallery's great strengths. Reflecting the diverse creative practices of modern and contemporary artists the collection includes paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, photographs, illustrated books and decorative arts.

Presently on display are works representing the most influential art movements of this period by artists who made transforming breakthroughs including Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Kasimir Malevich, Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler, Francis Bacon, Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Agnes Martin, Constantin Brancusi and Anselm Kiefer.

Also notable among the current displays are works by artists belonging to the Pont-Aven school, the group of younger artists who formed around Gauguin, paving the way for so many aspects of early twentieth century modernism. This includes the NGA's new acquisition of Paul Serusier's, La Savoyarde [Woman from Savoy] 1890. An exhibition focused on the prints and photographs of Otto Dix and August Sander explores the artistic responses of these two important artists to Germany's defeat in the First World War. An in-depth study of David Hockney's prints, including his new digital prints, is on display in the Orde Poynton Gallery.

New acquisitions

Special focus

Related exhibitions

Select publications

  • Building the collection Pauline Green, editor, 2003
  • Douglas Annand: the art of life Anne McDonald, 2001
  • French paintings from the Musée Fabre, Montpellier Michel Hilaire, Jörg Zutter and Olivier Zeder, editors, 2003
  • Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Mexican modernism: the Jacques and Natasha Gelman collection, Anthony White editor, 2001
  • Lucian Freud: after Cézanne, 2001
  • Pierre Bonnard: observing nature Jörg Zutter, editor, 2003
  • Rodin: sculpture and drawings 2001
  • Sean Scully: body of light, 2004
  • Secession: modern art and design in Austria and Germany 1890s–1920s Christine Dixon, 2000
  • An artist abroad: the prints of James McNeill Whistler Jane Kinsman, 2005
  • Building the collection Pauline Green, editor, 2003
  • Monet and Japan, 2001
  • The big Americans: the art of collaboration, Jane Kinsman, 2002
