Asian art
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The National Gallery of Australia holds the nation’s most broadly representative collection of Asian art. The rich and inspiring creative histories of Asia are celebrated through exceptional sculptures, textiles, paintings, prints and manuscripts from across the geographic and temporal span of the continent, representing specific cultures as well as shared themes, ideas and influential narratives. At the NGA, distinct display spaces centre on historical Southeast Asian, South Asian and East Asian art, while modern and contemporary works by various Asian artists are often shown in our International and Contemporary Art galleries, and in the Sculpture Garden. 

Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Islamic and animist sculptures of diverse and important art-historical periods and styles are among the masterpieces on display. These are shown alongside superb ceremonial textiles from the NGA’s world-renowned collection of South and Southeast Asian textiles. Created using time-honoured techniques, the rich designs present complex motifs associated with ancestors, fertility, social status, trade and fabulous wealth. 

Other important holdings include Japanese screens and woodblock prints, Chinese funerary ceramics, Southeast Asian manuscripts, large devotional hangings and miniature paintings from India, vibrant Central Asian costumes, historical photographs, and select works by contemporary artists. Images of saints, saviours, celestial beings, mythical creatures, gods, goddesses and powerful symbols demonstrate the enduring importance of art in the communication and development of identity and ideas. 

The works in the Asian art galleries are regularly changed to conserve light-sensitive materials and allow visitors to explore diverse aspects of Asian art history and gain fresh insight into Gallery collections. Viewings of works in storage can be organised by contacting the NGA’s Collection Study Room.

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Select Publications

  • A stream of stories: Indian miniatures from the National Gallery of Australia, 1997
  • Beauty and desire in Edo period Japan Gary Hickey 1998
  • Life in the emperor’s tomb: ceramics from ancient China Charlotte Galloway 2002
  • The vision of kings: art and experience in India  Michael Brand 1995
  • Traditions of Asian art : traced through the collection of the National Gallery of Australia Michael Brand editor, 1995
  • Tsui collection of Chinese art introduction by TT Tsui, 1995