How to Join

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What does it take to change the world? Because that’s what you care about, right?

The socialist feminist FSP has given a lot of thought to that question going back to our founding in 1966. And we are always continuing to think about it! Here’s what we know so far – and they are all good reasons for you to seriously consider becoming a member.

  • It takes knowing the right questions to ask and applying the lessons of history and Marxist analysis to come up with solid answers. Questions like, What is the meaning of Trump’s victory? Is he a fascist? And how can we thwart his anti-humane agenda?
  • Remaking the world takes organization, and organization of many kinds: unions, united fronts around specific issues, etc. Ultimately, it requires a revolutionary party, with its storehouse of experience, theoretical study, and continuity of struggle. How can working people hope to gain state power without one?
  • It takes the leadership of the most oppressed – the women, people of color, LGBTQ folks, immigrants, people with disabilities and others kicked to capitalism’s curb – because they are the people who need social transformation the most and fight for it the hardest. In the United States, this is especially true for African Americans, with their unique history of repression and resistance.
  • It takes internationalism – understanding how workers the world over are linked in class bondage and how alliances across borders are a key step in our common emancipation.

Read more about FSP’s program, achievements, history and goals here.

People across the globe are getting serious about getting involved. It feels like one of those “now or never” moments. FSP recognizes that it will take more than any one group to spearhead and see through the change we need. But we believe we have something special to offer. And whoever you are, whatever your experience and abilities, we need you! Right now, in the U.S., we are mainly on the two coasts, and we are especially eager to grow in the South and Midwest.

Please get in touch if FSP sparks your interest, whether or not you are ready to join. If you are near a branch city, you could become a regular volunteer. Wherever you are, you can help the party by making a regular donation or getting socialist feminist ideas out by distributing our statements and the Freedom Socialist newspaper. If you are in a labor organization, we could meet virtually or face-to-face to work jointly on issues like fighting back against “right to work” laws.

Fill out the form if you want to become a member or get involved. We will get in touch!