Tag: design

Ti Chang: 3 Things to Consider Before I Design Anything

“Figure out the experience you want to provide and let that be the guiding light.”

Kjell Reigstad on Typography

At Automattic, designers share their thoughts on different aspects of design with the rest of the company. Recently, Kjell Reigstad shared his thoughts on typography with a quick, six-minute pechakucha.

Lauren McCarthy on Building an Inclusive Open Source Community for Creators

What I appreciate most about being an artist is the community. While some might imagine the lone artist toiling in their studio, what I have experienced is artists coming together on the internet and in-person, […]

Phillip Tiongson on Design, Filipino Tennessean Style

  My experience being Filipino American Designer right now (and this literally happened to me last night): New Person: “So, where are you from?” Me: “I’m from Tennessee.” New Person: “Oh, really? Huh… (awkward pause) […]

Kevin Bethune on Picking the Locks: Journey to Innovation

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist When I was young, I had a voracious curiosity for the arts and sciences. I loved to […]

Sara Berman on the Entrepreneur vs. Artist: A Game of Boundaries

The hardest thing about going back to school to get my MFA was not giving up the respected fashion brand I had founded and built (I was done there). It was not the struggle to […]

Lena Groeger on Discrimination By Design

A few weeks ago, Snapchat released a new addition to its face-altering filters that have become a signature of the service. But instead of surrounding your face with flower petals or giving you a funny […]

Sarah Burstein on ‘Design’ & Design Patents

This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Samsung v. Apple. The Court hasn’t considered a substantive issue of design patent law for over 100 years, so naturally the case has attracted […]

Ti Chang on Manufacturing in China as an American Designer

For better or worse, I was raised in the South; Georgia to be exact… I love my biscuits and gravy with a large helping of grits, and it is that Southern grit that first brought […]