About us
Environmental policy statement

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Our organisation

The National Gallery of Australia (the Gallery) is a Commonwealth Authority, established under the National Gallery Act 1975 (Commonwealth).

The Gallery serves the Australian public by enhancing understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts. It serves the public through the effective and efficient use of the national collection of works of art. Access to works of art in the national collection is provided through displays and exhibitions at the Gallery in Canberra, and is made available nationally and internationally through outward loans and travelling exhibitions.

Our environmental management commitment

This Environmental Policy Statement covers all of the Gallery’s operations and will be communicated to staff and made available to the public via the Gallery’s website.

The Gallery makes a strong commitment to environmental best practice and the prevention of pollution in its operations. We aim to achieve best practice for others in the museum sector to follow.

Through a philosophy of ‘rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle’, the Gallery will continually improve its business performance and conduct its operations in an environmentally responsible manner, clearly reflecting a commitment to fostering the sustainable use of the earth’s resources.

In recent times, the Gallery has made a number of enhancements to its building systems and operations, lessening its impact on the environment and use of resources. Upgrades to mechanical systems, building plant and display lighting have yielded substantial reductions in electricity and gas consumption.

We will comply with all relevant Australian Government environmental legislation regulations and policies,

and, subject to fulfilling our obligations as a national cultural institution, we will endeavour to:

  1. minimise waste-to-landfill and greenhouse gas emissions, further reduce our consumption of power, water and natural resources
  2. maximise our positive environmental benefits, employ environmental considerations in management and procurement decisions and continue to identify new areas for improved performance
  3. establish environmental objectives and targets in our strategic and annual business plans and provide regular monitoring and reporting against these objectives and targets to our governing council and staff
  4. incorporate environmental best practice into technological solutions, and the fit-out and operation of our exhibitions and displays, public programs and activities and storage and office accommodation activities
  5. work with our suppliers and other interested parties to continually improve our procedures and processes in environmental best practice
  6. foster the initiation and ownership of environmental activities by our staff, thereby inculcating a strong, environmentally aware business culture.

In accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), we will report on how our activities comply with the principles of ecologically sustainable development. These principles include the effective integration of both long-term and short-term economic, environmental and social considerations in decision making.

All Gallery managers are accountable for environmental performance in their area of responsibility.

Ron Radford
National Gallery of Australia