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Vrijeme pridruživanja: kolovoz 2011.


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  1. prije 10 sati

    Prime Minister Imran Khan announces a package of one hundred sixty-two billion rupees for eighteen development projects in Karachi to improve civic facilities in the city.

  2. prije 10 sati

    Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar says the province has huge potential to benefit from solar energy and new technology will be used for this purpose.

  3. prije 10 sati

    Advisor to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Abdul Razak Dawood has said that the government is giving priority to innovation and promotion of entrepreneurship in the country.

  4. prije 11 sati

    Prime Minister Imran Khan inaugurated Bagh Ibn-e-Qasim in Karachi today. Speaking on the occasion, he said government wants to provide more green spaces to future generations of the country.

  5. prije 16 sati

    Earth Hour is being commemorated all over the world including Pakistan to show support for strategies that will help solve the problem of global warming. let's join a million across the world by switching off the lights b/w 8:30PM and 9:30PM in recognition of .

    , , i još njih 3
  6. prije 16 sati

    Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan announces Karachi Package while chairing a meeting of Karachi Transformation Committee in Karachi today.

  7. prije 19 sati

    Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said the government wants to bridge the gap between rich and poor people and efforts are underway to legislate in this regard.

  8. prije 19 sati

    Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that the federal government will extend the scope of its mega projects "Ehsas" and "Sehat Insaf Card" in Sindh for the uplift of the downtrodden segments of society.

  9. 29. ožu

    President AJK, Sardar Masood Khan meets General Zubair Mahmood Hayat, NI (M), Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) at the Joint Staff Headquarters in Rawalpindi.

  10. 29. ožu

    Pakistan wants to strengthen ties with friendly countries: President Dr. Arif Alvi

  11. 29. ožu

    Fourth round of Bilateral Political Consultations between Pakistan and Austria was held in Vienna. The two sides reviewed the entire spectrum of bilateral relations & identified areas for further cooperation in political, economic, trade, investment, education & cultural fields.

  12. 29. ožu

    Prime Minister Imran Khan commended the role of the Chinese nationals working on development of Gwadar.

  13. 29. ožu

    Prime Minister Imran Khan performed ground-breaking of Gwadar International Airport at Gwadar today. Addressing the ceremony, he said development of will benefit not only Pakistan but also the entire world because of its strategic location.

  14. 29. ožu

    Prime Minister Imran Khan unveiling the inaugural Plaque of Clean Green Gwadar Movement in Gwadar.

  15. 29. ožu

    Prime Minister Imran Khan performing the Ground-breaking of new Gwadar International Airport project in Gwadar.

  16. 29. ožu

    Get a quick update on major news in 60 Seconds which made the Headlines today.

  17. 29. ožu

    The Western Route of will open Balochistan to a new era of progress, prosperity and connectivity: Prime Minister Imran Khan

  18. 29. ožu

    Federal Minister for IPC, Dr. Fehmida Mirza held a meeting with Zhang Chunxian, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing today.

  19. 29. ožu

    Information Minister Chaudhry Fawad Hussain has underscored the importance of increasing cultural ties and people to people contacts between and . He said Pakistan is giving full support in the cultural revival of Saudi Arabia.

  20. 29. ožu

    اسلام آباد: وزیر تعلیم شفقت محمود کا نیشنل یونیورسٹی آف ٹیکنالوجی کا دورہ. وزیر تعلیم کو یونیورسٹی میں مختلف تعلیمی سرگرمیوں پر بریفنگ دی گئی. وزیر تعلیم شفقت محمود نے یونیورسٹی کےسکلز ٹیسٹنگ سینٹر کا افتتاح کیا. ٹیسٹنگ سینٹر کے قیام سے تربیت یافتہ افرادی قوت میسر ہوگی.


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