Allison KeeneVerificeret konto


Senior TV Editor and critic . Fangirl, ATLien, casual musician, partial to being outdoors.

Tilmeldt april 2008


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  1. Fastgjort tweet
    20. dec. 2018

    AT LAST, my magnum opus for 2018. I have been agonizing over this for weeks. The order and what was included changed quite a bit, but the Top 2 were always clear to me, and I stand by it!

  2. retweetede
    for 6 timer siden

    Honestly, the Disney-Fox merger didn't feel real to me until I logged into the Disney/ABC press site just now. 🤯

  3. for 8 timer siden

    Cold Take: 'The Florida Project' ... wow. Yes. Wow. It *gets* it.

  4. for 8 timer siden

    I'm ... very encouraged by now?! That trailer was joyous fun. Plus, I truly love Hopper's Magnum P.I. look (& STEVE + DUSTIN FRIENDSHIP 4EVER)

  5. for 10 timer siden

    Wouldn't it be lovely if your brain woke you up suddenly at 3am to remind you of smart, brave things you did or said instead of dumb, embarrassing ones?

  6. retweetede
    for 16 timer siden
  7. retweetede
    19. mar.

    this is every journalist headshot

    Vis denne tråd
  8. 19. mar.
  9. retweetede
    19. mar.

    Yep. And one of the things that is truly special about television is *having* to wait for episodes. Episodes should stand alone, and when done well, you WANT time to process, geek out & just think about what happened and what could come next.

  10. 18. mar.

    In the eventual settlement, everyone who has worked in print / digital media should get "Pivot to Video" etched on our gravestones for free

  11. 18. mar.

    via : "Trump wants to kill federal funding for PBS and NPR (again); it won’t happen, but it’s still damaging"

  12. retweetede
    18. mar.

    thanks, QT, but we're going to take this in a different direction

  13. 18. mar.

    This is basically a Lifetime movie on steroids, and I say that in a loving way

  14. 18. mar.
  15. retweetede
    15. mar.

    I post this one often because it is important to me

  16. retweetede
    15. mar.

    Just checked out the Rotten Tomatoes review for and ... oof. If this exact same story had Pixar or Disney in front of it, I'd wager these same critics would praise it for its STEM aspect, progressive family values, and speaking to kids about difficult subject matter.

    Vis denne tråd
  17. retweetede
    15. mar.

    NBC's "Kings" premiered 10 years ago tonight. So I wrote something about the short-lived Bible adaptation and why broadcast networks have abandoned ambitious dramas -

  18. retweetede
    15. mar.

    If nothing else, click through to see who wrote, directed, adapted, animated, and acted in each of these amazing shorts. The people who really get this art made are the people who get ignored when you don't click "Watch Credits"

  19. 15. mar.

    Forgot to share a pic of the feast made from the Elder Scrolls Cookbook: White River Salmon savory pastry, Moonsugar-glazed carrots, grilled leeks (natch), cheese scones, and Honey-Nut Treats, with goblets of Nord Mead. TRULY A MASTERPIECE

  20. 15. mar.

    Look, this isn't a great show, but it's well-directed and has a couple of key virtues. The bottom line is that it's really never a chore to watch Idris Elba be cool and charming


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