Preeti ChhibberVerifizierter Account


Squee+Substance. Author. Editor: /. /. Opinions=own. She/Her. Wrote a Spidey book. Repped by

Georgia, USA
Beigetreten Oktober 2008


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    4. Apr.

    PREORDER GOODIES! If you are preordering Spider-Man Far From Home: PETER & NED'S ULTIMATE TRAVEL JOURNAL, send an email to preorderATpreetichhibberDOTcom w/ proof of purchase & a mailing addy (US only) & you'll get 1 VERY CUTE signed book plate per book!

    image of sheet of spider-man book plates sitting on top of the cover of SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME: PETER & NED'S ULTIMATE TRAVEL JOURNAL
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  2. hat retweetet

    Shout out to the Uber & Lyft drivers going on strike today. These folks deserve better wages than what they're currently receiving. Please consider supporting them by using a different means of transportation today.

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  3. Cannot *wait* to see from -- this looks so incredible.

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden
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  6. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    Ok, so we’re doing this. All, if your members are on House Judiciary, tell them to call this bluff. No backing down on holding Barr in contempt. Ratchet UP the pressure. House Judiciary members here:

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  8. hat retweetet
    6. Mai

    it should be illegal for the russos to claim they had the first openly gay character when this scene exists

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  10. 7. Mai

    Early morning call times

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  11. hat retweetet
    6. Mai
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  12. 7. Mai

    Talk about a wish my heart made. I didn't even know I needed Zendaya dressed as Cinderella with a Fairy God Mother on the red carpet but I did.

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  13. 7. Mai

    I don't know how I feel about Priyanka's look but I do know I liked that suit better on Nick Hoult and in a darker color

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  14. 7. Mai


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  15. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    Me and Oscar Wilde, my inspiration for the evening: the dandy reimagined.

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  16. 7. Mai
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  17. hat retweetet
    7. Mai


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  18. 7. Mai
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  19. 7. Mai

    Gaga judged drag race one time and now here we are

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  20. 7. Mai

    I stand corrected

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  21. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    Lena Waithe is wearing a suit that says “Black drag queens invented camp” on the back.

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