Joe PokaskiVerifizierter Account


Creator/Showrunner of Cloak & Dagger. Underground. Heroes, C.S.I., Daredevil & the like. An inefficient machine that converts coffee into TV.

Beigetreten Juni 2014


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  1. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    FYI, while we're on the subject of , y'all need to understand that this Thursday's episode is on a new level. It's not to be missed.

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  2. 6. Mai

    This Thursday, gives us a listen to some of that “Vikingtown Sound”. Thanks, rafaalbuquerque88 and nerdist for the haunting art.

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  3. hat retweetet
    4. Mai

    Fellow nerds, I have an announcement to make. We, as a collection, have not been giving nearly the attention that it deserves. I'm only two eps into Season 2, & it's far better than any other superhero TV show on the air. You may now continue with your Saturday.

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  4. 4. Mai

    Officer Tyrone pulling of the W, with Carjacker Tyrone Taking a close second. This says something about human nature, although I'm terrified to consider what.

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  5. 3. Mai

    Our music and sound team, leveling up for our "B-Sides" Album. Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger Weaves Story with 17 Versions of a Song

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  6. 3. Mai

    Come back any time, . Thanks for bringing all your awesome to it.

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  7. 3. Mai
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  8. 3. Mai

    This. All day this. If (and and the team) did not lift up their kickass roster of directors, we might not have found the amazing . Thank you for leading.

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  9. hat retweetet
    3. Mai

    She’s ready???? FOR WHAT

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  10. 3. Mai
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  11. 3. Mai
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  12. hat retweetet
    3. Mai
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  13. hat retweetet
    3. Mai

    let's clap it up for olivia's and aubrey's acting chops this episode though

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  14. hat retweetet
    3. Mai

    i know mina is a total b!t$% in this episode but i seriously adore . but even more in a construction hat.

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  15. hat retweetet
    3. Mai

    Now that you’ve watched , you better hop on over to to get the real tea from and as well as Music Supervisor Jonathan Christiansen! Hosted by me and ! 🖤🗡

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  16. 3. Mai

    She had one person.

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  17. 3. Mai

    That hug, tho.

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  18. 3. Mai

    Ok, twitter, so who is your favorite version of Tyrone crafted by

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  19. 3. Mai

    All of the are a big fan of marvel’s stories so we figured, we’d do three of them in one episode.

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  20. 3. Mai


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