26 02, 2019

Garlic planting, CERES-style

By | 2019-02-26T13:07:33+00:00 February 26th, 2019|Nursery, Nursery Advice|2 Comments

“There are five elements: earth, air, fire, water and garlic”, so said the French culinary writer Louis Diat, and we would tend to agree. Nothing beats the satisfaction of tucking into a delicious plate of spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino seasoned with your own home grown garlic! It’s time to get your cloves planted. Below we [...]

21 02, 2019

Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year 2018

By | 2019-02-21T16:18:13+00:00 February 21st, 2019|CERES Courses, CERES Education, Enviro Ed Course, Stories|0 Comments

The Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year 2018, Lorna Pettifer In 2018 Lorna Pettifer Manager of Education and Training at CERES was awarded the inaugural Environmental & Sustainability Educator of the Year by Environment Education Victoria. Lorna is the Learning Innovation Director at CERES and has designed and delivers the  CERES Environmental [...]

5 02, 2019

Motives – Change – Inspiration – CERES Environmental Education Course

By | 2019-02-05T17:04:40+00:00 February 5th, 2019|CERES Courses, CERES Education, Enviro Ed Course, Pathways|0 Comments

In September to October of this year, I undertook the environmental education course hosted at CERES.  My main motive for doing the course was to see what other options I had for environmental work, but I came out with a lot more information that inspired me to enact change in my own space. The [...]

8 01, 2019

Mini Case Study: Growing Plants Can Change Your Life

By | 2019-01-08T14:15:07+00:00 January 8th, 2019|CERES Courses, CERES Education, Pathways, Stories|0 Comments

Gregory Lorenzutti Gregory Lorenzutti is a Brazilian-Australian artist based in Melbourne, Australia, working between the spaces of photography, dance and urban farming. Photography, dance... and farming? Strange bedfellows you might think, but Gregory has found a way to connect all three through storytelling, an eye for subtlety, human emotion and passion for [...]

6 12, 2018

Science Corner Edition 3

By | 2018-12-06T13:59:39+00:00 December 6th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ever had a burning science question that felt too silly to say out loud, or that lead you down a Wikipedia hole? CERES Energy Education Coordinator Tom Lang wants to answer it! Send your "how does that work?" question to sciencecorner@ceres.org.au and Tom will put his brains to work to find out. [...]

4 12, 2018

UPDATE REPORT: VCAT hearing regarding permit application for 269 Stewart Street

By | 2018-12-04T09:50:38+00:00 December 4th, 2018|Board Updates|0 Comments

By Rod Duncan, CERES Board Member and Pro bono planning advisor to CERES in this matter. -- We spent five days at VCAT last week advocating CERES’ concerns about this proposal. The plans had been modified slightly from the plans that were advertised and to which we formally objected, but the significant parameters remain [...]

4 12, 2018

Smart Urban Forests at CERES

By | 2018-12-04T09:17:05+00:00 December 4th, 2018|Around Site, CERES Education|0 Comments

A new Swinburne University-led pilot program introduced at CERES Community Environment Park is using water-sensor technology to better manage urban forests. Swinburne University Water Resources Engineering senior lecturer, Dr Scott Rayburg, and his team have partnered with ICT International and RMIT University to install $31,000 worth of tree water sensors at CERES, located in [...]

3 12, 2018

No time not to use the regular plates

By | 2018-12-03T09:26:26+00:00 December 3rd, 2018|CERES Education, Farm and Food|0 Comments

On Friday I went with my sons and several thousand other Victorian children to the steps of the Treasury Museum for the Students Strike For Climate Change.  From a respectful (non-embarrassing) distance it was thrilling to watch the crowd of young faces welcoming waves of student comrades sweeping across Spring Street to join them [...]

28 11, 2018

Exploring Permaculture in Timor Leste June 2018

By | 2018-11-28T12:40:46+00:00 November 28th, 2018|CERES Global, Timor Leste|0 Comments

by Jane Burns, CERES Education Outreach Area Manager I recently had the opportunity to facilitate a trip to Timor-Leste (East Timor) with CERES Global Education to learn about how this country is using permaculture to make social and environmental change. Travelling to this rarely explored closest neighbour of ours, we explored [...]

18 11, 2018

Your friendly neighbourhood tomato growing guide: Step 3. Watering, Fertilising, and Protection from Pest and Disease

By | 2018-11-18T10:01:29+00:00 November 18th, 2018|Nursery|0 Comments

The warm weather should have our tomato plants growing big and wild! Make sure you are watering deeply and early, especially on those hot windy days, the plants can’t take up any precious nutrient you’ve so diligently added to the soil unless the soil is moist. If you’ve missed the mornings’ water it’s ok [...]