
Viv on the edge of the Dorrigo Plateau, 2009Since you’re here, you probably followed either an old link or are doing a Sherlock on Viv’s email address from an online forum.

viv.id.au was the original URL for my earliest forays on the World Wide Web. This domain remains as a pointer to my current web ventures (see the Professional and Personal/Political pages). I’m also a singer, so there’s a page for my musical endeavours as well.

Please use the contact page or Twitter to get in touch.


Over the last few years I’ve returned to music-making after way too long away while raising my family. Loving it!

I’m the vocal half of piano/vox duo Macchiato, and am also looking for other bands to gig with who share my love for soul/funk/R&B and the occasional full-on bluesy rock-out. Hit me up if you’re looking for a strong/smooth female voice around Sydney (based in inner-west, don’t mind some travel).


Musical duo serving up smooth and strong popular standards, with bittersweet undertones and a touch of froth and bubble.
Viv & Dai performing as Macchiato Musical Duo
We revisit a smoother, sweeter, simpler musical era with classic singalongs, toe-tappers and other blatant excuses to hold your sweetheart close and tight on the night.
Follow us on Facebook!


Headshot of a pale-skinned woman outdoors with silvering hair, green leaves in the background. She is wearing spectacles and a neck-choker with a fossilised ammonite pendant.Interested in Viv’s opinions on life, the universe and everything?

  • Mostly on twitter these days @vivsmythe
  • tigtog still occasionally blogs sociopolitically and eclecticly at Hoyden About Town (and extensive archives of her writing for other blogs is not hard to find)
  • Viv contributed to ABC Online’s The Drum/Unleashed.
  • Viv was a panelist at the inaugural Feminist Writers Festival in Melbourne 2016

Looking for some articles that used to be found on this domain?
Continue reading “Personal/Political”


Email to: viv@viv.id.au