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White House Workers: Traditions and Memories (DVD)

  White House Workers: Traditions and Memories (DVD)

Butlers, chefs, housekeepers, electricians, ushers, curators, and many more—all members of the permanent White House staff—tell tales of triumph, tragedy, and deep devotion to the nation, the presidency, and the First Families while working behind the scenes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. White House Workers: Traditions and Memories explores the dedication, skills, and sacrifices of residence staff whose extraordinary service has helped the White House fulfill its multiple roles as a family residence, seat of government, ceremonial center, historic building, and museum.
This DVD contains:

  • An introduction by former President Jimmy Carter recalling the White House workers he knew.
  • Workers at the White House, a 32-minute documentary film featuring a broad range of workers who have served presidents from Herbert Hoover to George H.W. Bush.
  • The Working White House: 200 Years of Traditions and Memories, a 12-minute introduction to the Smithsonian Institution’s new traveling exhibition.
  • Two hours of interviews conducted in 2007 with recently retired White House workers, recounting memories, describing traditions, and expressing sense of community among staff and pride in their service to First Families and the nation.
  • Extensive notes, 40-page booklet with photos.

Eugene Allen, White House Maître D’ and the Man Who Inspired The Butler"
Eugene Allen and President Carter
Eugene Allen and First Lady Nancy Reagan

