We are People For the American Way

For more than three decades, we’ve been working with over one million members and activists to fight right-wing extremism and defend constitutional values under attack. Today, our mission is more critical than ever.

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Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears

The confirmation of dozens of Trump judges advances the Right’s longstanding goal of using the courts to advance a political agenda that benefits corporations and the wealthy and powerful over the interests of all Americans.

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Fighting for Democracy Reform

The For the People Act (H.R. 1), introduced by the new Democratic majority in the House in pursuit of their commitment to make serious repairs to our democracy, would expand voting rights, limit the influence of secret money, and increase tranparency.

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Democrats Capture the House

The midterms reiterated that the GOP is fully the party of Trump and his playbook of hate failed in most swing states.

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Right Wing Watch

Right Wing Watch is a project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations. By shedding light on the activities of the Right Wing, we help expose the risks of its extreme and intolerant agenda.

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