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Climate & Energy Justice campaigns

For over 40 years Friends of the Earth has campaigned on the understanding that you can't separate environmental and social justice issues and with climate change there is no difference.

The Federal Coalition’s last-ditch attempt to hit the reset button on climate change has been a flop with several dozen community members appearing at...
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has backed Australia's first major offshore wind project, Star of the South proposed off Victoria's Gippsland coast, urging...
Australia could soon be home to the world’s largest offshore wind farm, with the 2GW Star of the South proposed off Victoria’s Gippsland coast...

Land & Water campaigns

Friends of the Earth believe that it is time to live in harmony with the natural environment and stop trying to tame it with excessive land clearing and mining, deforestation and pesticide use.

Where: Lawns of Parliament House, Canberra When: 8.30am, 10th September 2018 Why: Australia is facing a national extinction crisis.  But it doesn’t have to...
The damage of wild horses to alpine environments is well documented. However, the NSW government has decided to allow horse populations to continue to...
Friends of the Earth. Media release. August 11 2018 Friends of the Earth Australia today welcomed a decision in the Supreme Court of California...

Food & Technology campaigns

Friends of the Earth believe all people have the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods and that technological advances need to be proven safe before they are deployed.

At today’s Agriculture Minister’s Forum, State and Federal Agriculture Ministers will discuss proposed changes to our Gene Technology Regulations that would make Australia the...
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last week (and we wouldn’t blame you), you’ve no doubt heard about He Jiankui –...
Australia could become the first country in the world to deregulate the use of new genetic modification (GM) techniques in animals. The techniques, known...

Economics for Earth campaigns

Capitalism and Neo-liberal policies are driving causes of much of the destruction we see on the planet today - we believe there is a better way to do things.

As another mammoth year draws to a close, it's a pleasure to bring you this month's news from the frontlines across the country, before...
This month we held our national annual meeting of local & affiliate groups and campaigners on beautiful Darug country in NSW, where we cross-pollinated...
Spring is here and it's time to emerge from hibernation and into the streets!

Indigenous Land & Rights campaigns

Australia was colonised and the resulting Frontier Wars stripped land and rights from the original inhabitants who for millennia maintained a sustainable custodianship over these lands.

In a matter of months, South Australia could be the reluctant home to Australia's nuclear waste. Federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan is fast forwarding...
A look at the grandmothers who are fighting the system and getting their grandchildren back. Most people don’t know that more Aboriginal children are...
FLASHBACK 2010: Traditional Owners and environment groups including achieved a stunning victory in May 2010 with the creation of 114,000 hectares of Red Gum Protected...