What is Digest by Zapier#

Digest by Zapier is a handy tool that can aggregate content for you and send it on to one handy place.

Want a daily update email of all your Trello to-dos? Or a weekly digest from multiple RSS feeds to a message on Slack? Digest by Zapier can help with that.

You can make digests for new blog posts, messages, notes, sales, tasks, or whatever else. If it's in a web app, chances are we can grab it for you.


Check out our introduction blog post for Digest for more general info here.

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What Digest by Zapier Triggers and Actions are Supported?#

Supported Triggers#

  • None yet!

Supported Searches#

  • Find Digest - Looks up a digest, and returns its current content.

Supported Actions#

  • Append Entry and Schedule Digest - Appends an entry to your digest, and schedules a time for it to be released.
  • Release Existing Digest - (Advanced) Releases an existing digest that's set to "manual" frequency.

How to Get Started with Digest by Zapier#

Digest by Zapier lets you queue up items from triggers into a batch over time before sending them to an Action, like an email or Slack message. This means that instead of having a Zap trigger for every small event that may happen multiple times in a day, like a new message, you can have it trigger once a day, week, or month.

To get started with Digest, first add any trigger to your Zap, then use Digest’s ‘Add to Digest’ action. Give your Digest a name, then map the fields from your trigger that you want to send to your digest. Each entry to the digest will create a new line.

If you want your digest to release on a schedule (for example, every Sunday at 5pm), choose the frequency and indicate the date / time.

Then, add the action where you want to send the digest, such as an email or a chat app.

At the time indicated in your frequency setup, we’ll take and send all the content from your Digest to your action. Your Digest will then be cleared out of past content and any new triggered items will accumulate in a fresh digest. The results will look like this:

Multiple triggers contributing to a single digest#

If you want more than one trigger to send data to a digest---for example, you want your Twitter tweets and Instagram posts to batch together in a digest before being sent in an email---you’ll need to set up three zaps.

First, add a trigger to your Zap, then add the Add to Digest action. In the Frequency field, select “Manual.”

Create the second zap and give the digest the same title as your first zap. Select “Manual” for the Frequency field as well.

Then, create a third zap using the Schedule by Zapier trigger and the Find Digest action. In the trigger, you’ll choose the frequency that the zap will run:

Add the Release Digest action. In the title field, select the name of the digest you created in the previous zaps.

Next, add the action where you want to send the digest, such as an email or a chat app.

The results will look something like this:

This will send all the items in your digest to your action and clear it out.

Behaviour in the Task History#

In Task History, you’ll see an individual task for each time the zap was triggered, as you would with other triggers. The first task in the Digest will show a status of “Delayed” until the Digest releases (per the Add to Digest frequency settings). It’ll look like this in Task History:

At that time, when the action runs, all tasks will show as successful.

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Popular Things To Do With Digest by Zapier#

Common Problems with Digest by Zapier#

Secrets and keys can only be 32 chars in length, value must be smaller than 25000 bytes.#

If you’re seeing this error, check to make sure that the “Title” field on your Digest is only 32 characters long. You may also see this error if you’ve added over 25000 characters to your Digest. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to store more than that amount at this time. Try increasing the frequency your Digest runs releases or decreasing the amount of fields you send to the Digest.

How does the Trigger on Weekends work?#

If you choose to trigger your digest daily and set the “Trigger on weekends?” to no, you’ll receive three days worth of digests on Monday.

How can I Format my content?#

The styling of your content depends on the action app you will eventually be sending your Digest content too. Here are some popular apps formatting tips:

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