SEP (Britain)


The British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International, which publishes .

Vrijeme pridruživanja: ožujak 2009.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    14. tra

    May Day Online Rally 2018 *Register today* We are commemorating 's birthday alongside , the international day of working class solidarity, with an international online rally with participants from dozens of countries worldwide.

  2. prije 28 minuta

    The ongoing motive behind the persecution of Assange is to terrorise and intimidate whistleblowers and independent media organisations into remaining silent on imperialist war crimes and intrigues, corporate abuses and corruption, and US-led war...

  3. prije 4 sata

    May remains in office, but this is a pyrrhic victory, with the ruling party split asunder and under siege.

  4. prije 21 sat

    The realities of American "democracy" today.

  5. prije 23 sata

    The legislation constitutes a warning that the Israeli state is rapidly dispensing with any pretense of commitment to democracy or equal rights and is preparing to carry out massive crimes against the Palestinian...

  6. 20. srp

    The febrile response by Stagecoach to the first strike on Supertram is based upon a realisation that any retreat in the face of workers’ resistance will serve to embolden transport workers across its entire network of bus, coach and rail franchises.

  7. 20. srp

    At root, the raging disputes within the American ruling class revolve around foreign policy and the extent to which military efforts should be directed primarily against Russia. It would be foolish to believe that...

  8. 19. srp

    The fact that the Democratic Party is resurrecting a narrative associated with the most right-wing elements of the American political spectrum has ominous implications. It can only serve to sow political disorientation...

  9. 19. srp

    Obama denounced the rapid growth of inequality, while gliding over his own multi-trillion-dollar bailout of Wall Street and “quantitative easing” policies, which were designed to pump up the stock market and further...

  10. 19. srp

    The opportunist politics of Stand Up To Racism diverts the necessary fight against fascism from tackling its source in the decaying capitalist system into support for the Labour and trade union bureaucracy—that has created the conditions for the...

  11. 18. srp

    Behind great wealth there are great social crimes. Amazon has gained a competitive edge by introducing 21st century methods to squeeze every last drop of sweat from its workers, who wear monitoring devices that measure...

  12. 18. srp

    The attack on the Amazon workers is a warning to Spanish workers and youth that the PSOE will attempt to stamp out any opposition to the austerity and militarist policies it is intent on imposing.

  13. 18. srp

    There is not the remotest progressive element in the programmes of the competing right-wing factions of the ruling elite. If this struggle—which cuts across traditional party lines and nominal political denominations of...

  14. 17. srp

    “The most serious answer that anyone can make to the assault on democratic rights is to understand that it is the product of decaying capitalism, and to join our party and take up the fight to build the international...

  15. 17. srp

    “This is not only a New Zealand struggle. Nurses and health workers here have to understand that they are part of a developing global movement against austerity that has been imposed on the working class of every country.”

  16. 17. srp

    The container’s “discovery” on Friday coincided with the indictment of 12 Russian military/intelligence officers for allegedly hacking the servers of the Democratic National Committee and the email account of Clinton...

  17. 17. srp

    Failure to integrate the west Balkan countries has opened up space in the region for Europe and Britain’s competitors. It threatens to become a gaping hole under conditions in which US President Donald Trump has thrown...

  18. 16. srp

    Halting the growth of the far-right means breaking with all the former reformist parties and trade unions whose betrayals have allowed the fascists channel social discontent in a reactionary course.

  19. 16. srp

    In their attacks on Assange, the major powers are seeking to establish new precedents for the persecution of journalists, whistleblowers and political dissidents.

  20. 16. srp

    “Trump is a symptom of something much wider going on historically and politically. Trump’s policies and image can’t be considered in isolation from previous presidents and once Trump is out, we can’t return to a previous complacency.”

  21. 15. srp

    The firefighters were facing a double whammy—a building cosmetically modified to make it more visibly pleasing to rich residents in the area and thereby rendered a tinderbox awaiting a spark, and the impact of years of...


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